

Services for providing food and drink; temporary


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 43





Providing campground facilities



Retirement homes






Boarding for animals



Single service



173 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
4301 a wine bar 供应葡萄酒为主的酒吧 Yes
4301 430004 accommodation bureau services [hotels, boarding houses] 住所代理(旅馆、供膳寄宿处) No
4305 430203 animal pound services 动物收容服务 No
4301 arrange hotel accommodation 安排酒店住宿 Yes
4301 automatic restaurant 自动餐厅 No
4301 bar information service 酒吧信息服务 Yes
4301 430138 bar services 酒吧服务 Yes
4301 Bartending service 调酒服务 Yes
4301 bed and breakfast 家庭旅馆服务 Yes
4306.1 bed rent 床出租 Yes
4301 beer house service 啤酒屋服务 Yes
4306.3 Beverage Fountain Machine Rental 饮料喷泉机出租 Yes
4301 Bistro 小餐馆 Yes
4301 bistro service 小酒馆服务 Yes
4306.5.5 blanket rent 毛毯出租 Yes
4305 430134 boarding for animals 动物寄养 Yes
4301 430104 boarding house bookings 寄宿处预订 Yes
4301 430066 boarding house services 寄宿处 Yes
4301 Book a hotel through a travel agency 通过旅行社预定旅馆 No
4301 book hotels for others 替他人预订酒店 Yes
4301 book temporary accommodation via the internet 通过互联网预订临时住宿处 Yes
4301 booking agent 代理预订旅馆 Yes
4301 cafe service 咖啡馆服务 Yes
4301 430024 café services 咖啡馆 Yes
4301 cafeteria service 自助餐厅服务 No
4301 cafeteria service 自助餐馆服务 No
4301 430025 cafeteria services 自助餐厅 Yes
4301 430198 cake decorating 蛋糕裱花 No
4301 camping accommodation reservation 露营场所住宿预订 Yes
4301 430027 canteen services 餐厅 Yes
4306.5.4 C430010 carpet rent 地毯出租 Yes
4301 carry-out restaurant 外卖餐馆 Yes
4301 catering service for the nursing home 养老院餐饮供应服务 Yes
4301 catering services provided by the hotel 酒店提供的餐饮供应服务 Yes
4301 Chinese restaurant 中餐厅 Yes
4301 cocktail lounge services 鸡尾酒会服务 Yes
4301 company canteen catering service 公司食堂餐饮供应服务 Yes
4306.2 cooking pressure cooker rental 烹饪用高压锅出租 Yes
4306.2 cooking stove rental 烹饪炉出租 Yes
4305 day care dog service 日间看护狗服务 Yes
4305 day care service for dog 日间看护狗服务 Yes
4305 day care service for pets 宠物日间护理服务 Yes
4304 430098 day-nursery [crèche] services 日间托儿所(看孩子) No
4301 430197 decorating of food 食物装饰 No
4306.2 C430007 domestic microwave oven rental 家用微波炉出租 Yes
4301 drinks are served in a brewery 在啤酒作坊内供应饮料 Yes
4301 drinks are served in a brewery 在自酿酒的啤酒馆内供应饮料 Yes
4306.3 C430008 drinks dispenser for rent 饮料分配机出租 Yes
4301 drunkery 酒馆 Yes
4306.2 Electric Chocolate Fountain Machine Rental 电动巧克力喷泉机出租 Yes
4301 European cuisine catering services 欧式菜肴的餐饮供应服务 Yes
4301 Fast food restaurant service 快餐店服务 No
4301 430010 food and drink catering 备办宴席 Yes
4301 food decoration 食品装饰 No
4301 430208 food reviewing services [provision of information about food and drinks] 食物点评服务(提供有关食物和饮料的信息) No
4301 430193 food sculpting 食物雕刻 Yes
4306.1 C430005 furniture rental 家具出租 Yes
4301 gasthaus  小旅馆 Yes
4306.2 Heat preservation meal stove rental 保温餐炉出租 Yes
4301 430145 holiday camp services [lodging] 假日野营住宿服务 No
4302 430201 hookah lounge services 水烟休息室服务 No
4301 hospital catering service 医院餐饮供应服务 Yes
4301 hotel 旅馆 Yes
4301 hotel accommodation 酒店住宿服务 Yes
4301 430073 hotel accommodation services 饭店食宿服务 Yes
4306.1 Hotel curtain rental 酒店窗帘租赁 Yes
4306.4 Hotel Floor Covering Rental 酒店地板覆盖物出租 Yes
4306.1 Hotel furniture rental 酒店家具租赁 Yes
4301 Hotel lounge service 旅馆休息室服务 No
4301 430105 hotel reservations 旅馆预订 No
4301 Hotel reservations for travel agents 旅行社代理的旅馆预订 No
4301 hotel room reservation service 酒店房间预订服务 Yes
4301 hotel service 旅馆服务 No
4301 430073 hotel services 饭店 Yes
4301 hotel services for preferred customers 面向优先客户的酒店服务 Yes
4306.1 hotel wall mount rental 酒店壁挂出租 Yes
4306.2 C430006 household electric toaster rental 家用电烤面包片机出租 Yes
4306.2 household portable electric cooking stove rental 家用便携式电烹饪炉出租 Yes
4301 ice cream shop (the store to eat) 冰淇淋店(店内食用) Yes
4306.2 industrial cooking equipment for hire 工业用烹饪设备出租 Yes
4301 430199 information and advice in relation to the preparation of meals 关于膳食制备的信息和咨询 No
4301 C430002 itinerant catering service 流动饮食供应 Yes
4306.5.8 Japanese bedding rental 日式被褥出租 Yes
4301 Japanese cuisine catering service 日式菜肴的餐饮供应服务 Yes
4301 Japanese restaurant service 日式餐馆服务 Yes
4301 juice bar 果汁吧 Yes
4306.9 C430011 kitchen counter for rent 厨房操作台出租 Yes
4306.10 C430012 kitchen sink for rent 厨房洗涤槽出租 Yes
4301 Lounge service available 提供休息室服务 No
4302 mobile buildings for rent 可移动建筑物出租 Yes
4301 mobile restaurant service 流动餐馆服务 Yes
4301 Motel Services 汽车旅馆服务 No
4301 430183 motel services 汽车旅馆 Yes
4306.2 non-electric cooking heaters for rent 非电烹饪加热器出租 Yes
4301 nursing home catering service 疗养院餐饮供应服务 Yes
4306.1 office furniture rental 办公室家具出租 Yes
4301 430200 personal chef services 私人厨师服务 No
4305 pet foster care 宠物寄养 Yes
4305 Pet foster care service 宠物寄养服务 Yes
4305 pet hotel service 宠物旅馆服务 Yes