

Musical instruments; music stands and stands for musical instruments; conductors’ batons.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 15


Musical instruments



Musical instruments accessories and its parts



210 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
1501 150001 accordions 手风琴 Yes
1501 Acoustic bass 原声贝斯 Yes
1501 Acoustic guitar 原声吉他 Yes
1502 Anti-slip mat for cello 大提琴用防滑垫 Yes
1501 Automatic piano 自动钢琴 Yes
1501 Automatic playing of electronic pianos 自动演奏的电子钢琴 Yes
1501 150051 bagpipes 风笛 Yes
1502 Bags for instrument 乐器专用包 Yes
1501 150090 balalaikas [stringed musical instruments] 巴拉莱卡琴(弦乐器) No
1501 150082 bamboo flutes 竹笛 Yes
1501 Bamboo stringer (Bili) 竹制竖管乐器(筚篥) Yes
1501 Bamboo stringer(Sheng) 竹竖管乐器(笙) Yes
1501 150011 bandonions 小六角手风琴 Yes
1501 150091 banjos 班卓琴 Yes
1501 150012 barrel organs 手摇风琴 Yes
1501 Bass drums 低音鼓 Yes
1502 Bass drumstick 低音鼓槌 Yes
1501 Bass guitar 低音吉他 Yes
1501 Bass guitar bass electric guitar 低音电吉他 Yes
1501 bass instrument 低音乐器 No
1501 Bass tube 低音管 Yes
1501 150013 basses [musical instruments] 低音提琴(乐器) No
1501 Bassoon 巴松管 Yes
1502 150064 bellows for musical instruments 乐器风管 Yes
1502 Bibble for Japanese musical instruments 弹日式乐器用指套 Yes
1501 Bongo drums 邦戈鼓 Yes
1502 150005 bow nuts for musical instruments 乐器琴弓螺帽 Yes
1502 150004 bows for musical instruments 乐器琴弓 Yes
1501 Brass instruments 铜管乐器 Yes
1502 150054 bridges for musical instruments 琴码 Yes
1501 British tube (midway double reed musical instrument) 英国管(中音双簧族乐器) Yes
1501 150016 buccins [trumpets] 大号(号) No
1501 Carillons 钟琴 Yes
1501 150017 carillons [musical instruments] 钟琴(乐器) Yes
1502 150035 cases for musical instruments 乐器盒 Yes
1501 150018 castanets 响板 Yes
1502 150015 catgut for musical instruments 乐器用肠线 Yes
1501 Cello 大提琴 Yes
1502 cello tail post 大提琴尾柱 Yes
1502 150050 chin rests for violins 小提琴腮托 Yes
1501 Chinese bamboo flute 中式竹笛 Yes
1501 Chinese zither 古筝 Yes
1501 C150005 Chinese zither No
1501 150023 clarionets 单簧管 Yes
1501 150071 clarions 号角 Yes
1502 150093 colophony for stringed musical instruments / rosin for stringed musical instruments 弦乐器用松香 Yes
1501 150026 concertinas 六角手风琴 Yes
1502 150009 conductors' batons 指挥棒 Yes
1501 150031 cornets [musical instruments] 短号(乐器) No
1501 cowbell (musical instrument) 牛铃(乐器) Yes
1501 150032 cymbals 铙钹 Yes
1501 150027 double basses 低音提琴 Yes
1501 150098 drum machines 鼓机 Yes
1502 Drum pad 鼓垫 Yes
1502 Drum pedal 鼓踏板 Yes
1501 Drum synthesizer 鼓声合成器 Yes
1502 150059 drumheads / skins for drums 鼓面 Yes
1502 150059 drumheads / skins for drums 鼓皮 Yes
1501 150066 drums [musical instruments] 鼓(乐器) Yes
1502 150010 drumsticks 鼓槌 Yes
1501 Duchess 杜西莫琴 Yes
1501 Eight hole clarinet 八孔竖笛 Yes
1501 Electric bass 电贝司 Yes
1501 electric bass guitar 电低音吉他 No
1501 electric carillon 电钟琴 Yes
1501 Electric guitar 电吉他 Yes
1502 electronic drum pad 电子鼓垫 Yes
1501 electronic music synthesizer 电子音乐合成器 No
1501 150044 electronic musical instruments 电子乐器 Yes
1501 C150001 Electronic organ 电子琴 No
1502 Electronic tune 电子乐器用调音器 Yes
1501 Erhu 二胡 Yes
1502 Erhu playing bow 二胡演奏弓 Yes
1502 Erhu Strings 二胡琴弦 Yes
1501 Euphonic (Japanese musical instrument) 三弦琴(日本乐器) Yes
1501 Euphonium 次中音号 Yes
1502 Flute film protector 笛膜保护器 Yes
1502 C150013 Flute membrane 笛膜 Yes
1501 150036 flutes Yes
1501 Fork bells 叉铃 Yes
1501 Frog whistle 蛙鸣筒 Yes
1501 Gaya (Korean ukulele) 伽倻琴(朝鲜十二弦琴) Yes
1501 150037 gongs Yes
1502 guitar cover 吉他罩 Yes
1501 Guitar handrail 吉他扶手 Yes
1502 Guitar paddle 吉他拨片 Yes
1502 Guitar straps 吉他背带 Yes
1502 Guitar string 吉他弦 Yes
1502 Guitar string bridge 吉他弦桥 Yes
1502 Guitar tuning clip 吉他变调夹 Yes
1501 150039 guitars 吉他 Yes
1501 150086 handbells [musical instruments] 手摇铃(乐器) Yes
1501 150014 harmonicas 口琴 Yes
1501 150040 harmoniums 簧风琴 Yes
1502 150042 harp strings 竖琴弦 Yes
1501 150041 harps 竖琴 Yes
1501 Harpsichord 大键琴 Yes
1501 150019 hats with bells [musical instruments] 小铃帽(乐器) No
1501 Horn 圆号 Yes
1501 150030 horns [musical instruments] 号(乐器) Yes