

Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk, cheese, butter, yogurt and other milk products


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 29


Dried fungus products



Preserved or dried vegetables



Food protein, tofu products



Eggs products






Milk and milk products



Meat, dead poultry, game and meat extracts



Edible fats



Dead aquatic products



Edible pectin



Canned foods (not including soft packaging foods,classified by finished products)



Processed nuts



Preserved, dried fruits and its products



1101 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
2902.2 yellow croaker (non-live) 黄花鱼(非活) Yes
2901 a prepared dish consisting mainly of mainly of meat 以肉为主的预先准备好的菜 Yes
2902.2 abalone (non-live) 鲍鱼(非活) Yes
2910 C290074 agar (edible) 琼脂(食用) No
2910 290250 agar-agar for culinary purposes 烹饪用琼脂
2912 C290087 agaric 木耳 No
2912 agrocybe cylindracea,dried 干茶树菇 No
2901 C290002 air-dried sausage 风肠 Yes
2905 ajvar [preserved peppers] 阿吉瓦(腌辣椒)
2905 290165 ajvar [preserved peppers] 腌辣椒
2913 290001 albumen for culinary purposes 烹饪用蛋白
2907.0.1 290174 albumin milk / protein milk 蛋白奶
2907.0.1 albumin milk / protein milk 蛋白质牛奶 No
2910 290116 alginates for culinary purposes 烹饪用藻酸盐
2907.0.3 290218 almond milk 杏仁浆
2907.0.2 almond milk 杏仁乳 No
2905 290188 almond milk for culinary purposes 烹饪用杏仁浆
2907.0.3 290224 almond milk-based beverages 以杏仁浆为主的饮料
2911 almond, processed 加工过的杏仁 Yes
2904.1 290117 almonds, ground 碎杏仁
2905 290172 aloe vera prepared for human consumption 食用预制芦荟
2911 C290105 amber peanut 琥珀花生 No
2902.2 anchovy slice 鳀鱼片 Yes
2902.2 290006 anchovy, not live 鳀鱼(非活)
2901 290240 andouillettes 法式内脏肠 No
2902.2 Angler Fish Liver 鮟鱇鱼肝 Yes
2907.0.2 anhydrous butter 无水黄油 Yes
2908 animal fats, edible 食用动物油脂 Yes
2901 animal liver for food 食用动物肝脏 No
2901 animal liver for food (lump) 块状食用动物肝脏 No
2901 animal livers 动物肝 No
2901 290081 animal marrow for food 食用动物骨髓 No
2908 animal oil, edible 食用动物油 Yes
2904.1 apple chips 苹果片 Yes
2904.1 apple jam 苹果酱 Yes
2904.1 apple jam (candied fruit) 苹果酱(蜜饯) Yes
2904.1 290155 apple purée 苹果泥
2904.1 apple,processed 加工过的苹果 Yes
2904.1 apricot,processed 加工过的杏 Yes
2903 C290026 aquatic products, tinned 水产罐头 No
2902.2 ark shell (non-live) 舟贝(非活) Yes
2904.1 290191 arrangements of processed fruit 加工过的水果制成的拼盘
2905 artichoke, processed 加工过的洋蓟 Yes
2905 290190 artichokes, preserved 腌制洋蓟
2914 artificial sausage casings 人造的香肠肠衣 No
2901 artificially cultivated snails (non-live) 人工养殖供食用的蜗牛(非活) No
2901 Artificially reared snails for food (not live) 人工养殖供食用的蜗牛(非活) No
2905 290186 aubergine paste / eggplant paste 茄子泥
2904.1 avocado,processed 加工过的鳄梨 Yes
2901 C290114 bacon 熏肉 Yes
2901 290076 bacon 培根 Yes
2905 baked beans 焗豆 Yes
2905 baked eggs with vegetables, italian classic 意大利式蔬菜烘蛋 Yes
2911 baked nuts 烘制过的坚果 Yes
2905 Baked Sweet Potatoes 烤红薯 No
2912 bamboo fungus,dried 干制竹荪 Yes
2905 bamboo shoots 笋片 No
2904.1 banana slice 香蕉片 Yes
2901 barbecue meat 烧烤用肉 No
2901 bath chap 猪头肉 No
2902.2 bayfish (non-live) 鲅鱼(非活) Yes
2905 bean salad 豆类沙拉 Yes
2905 bean sprouts, processed 加工过的豆芽 Yes
2913 beancurd jelly 豆腐脑 Yes
2913 C290090 beancurd products 豆腐制品 No
2913 C290091 beancurd sticks 腐竹 Yes
2905 290123 beans, preserved 腌豆
2901 C290010 bee pupae 蜂蛹 No
2901 beef 牛肉 Yes
2901 beef bone soup 牛骨汤 Yes
2901 beef meatballs 牛肉丸子 Yes
2901 beef ribs (beef food) 牛板筋(牛肉食品) No
2901 beef slices 牛肉片 Yes
2901 beef soup 牛肉浓汁汤 No
2901 beef soup 牛肉汤 Yes
2905 beet,processed 加工过的甜菜 Yes
2904.1 290198 berries, preserved 腌制浆果
2905 290259 berry soup 浆果汤 No
2904.2 290260 berry-based fool 奶油浆果泥 No
2904.2 C290094 betel nut, processed 加工过的槟榔 Yes
2907.0.2 beverage made of milk 牛奶制成的饮料 Yes
2905 C290055 black agaric 黑菜 No
2902.2 black caviar 黑鱼子酱 Yes
2901 290013 black pudding / blood sausage 血肠 Yes
2907.0.2 blended cheese 混合奶酪 Yes
2902.2 blue mussel (non-live) 蓝贻贝(非活) Yes
2904.1 blueberry jam 蓝莓果酱 Yes
2908 board oil for food 食品用板油 No
2906 boiled duck eggs 熟鸭蛋 No
2906 boiled eggs 煮鸡蛋 No
2906 boiled eggs 熟鸡蛋 No
2906 boiled eggs without shells 去壳熟鸡蛋 No
2906 boiled ovo 煮熟的蛋 No
2901 boiled pork 煮猪肉 No
2908 290092 bone oil for food 食用骨油
2905 bouillion cubes 汤粉块 Yes
2905 bouillon 汤料 Yes
2905 bouillon,well-prepared 制备好的汤料 Yes
2901 Braised Chicken 卤鸡 No
2901 Braised duck 卤鸭 No