

Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 28


Fitness equipments



Single products



Shooting sports appliances



Gymnastics, weight lifting, track and field, ice and snow and other sports appliances included in this class



Entertaining appliances and Entertainment items



Swimming pool and track





Sports protective device and skate



Chess, card and auxiliary appliances



Decorations for Christmas trees



Ball with its appliances



Fishing tackle



935 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
2807.1 a pole for pole vault 撑竿跳高用撑竿
2802 (for party fun) handheld paper tape ejector (供聚会助兴之用的)手持纸带喷射器 Yes
2809.2 (four wheels) roller skates (四轮)旱冰鞋 No
2802 a toy xylophone 玩具木琴 Yes
2805 abdominal boards for fitness 健身用仰卧起坐板
2805 abdominal chakra for fitness 健身用健腹轮
2809.1 abdominal guards for taekwondo 跆拳道腹部保护物
2804 acrobatic balls 杂技用球
2802 action doll toys 动作玩偶玩具 Yes
2802 action puppet toys 动作人偶玩具 Yes
2802 Activity toy (bed bell) 活动玩具(床铃) No
2805 280273 adhesive abdominal exercise belts, electric, for muscle stimulation 贴腹式肌肉电刺激健身带 No
2802 aerated game stick 充气加油棒 Yes
2805 aerobic stair climbers 有氧踏步机
2802 Air gun (toy) 气枪(玩具) No
2807.1 alpine skis 高山滑雪板
2804 American football 美式橄榄球
2804 American squash balls 美式壁球运动用球
2801.1 280189 amusement machines, automatic and coin-operated 自动和投币启动的游戏机 No
2801.1 amusement park game consoles 游乐园用游戏机 Yes
2801.2 amusement park riding equipment 游乐园骑乘设备 Yes
2803 C280030 animal chess 动物棋
2809.1 anti-skid powder for improving hand grip in sports activities 用于体育活动中改善手部握力的防滑粉
2801.1 280128 apparatus for games 游戏机 No
2807.1 280129 appliances for gymnastics 体操器械
2807.1 aquaplane 滑水板
2801.1 arcade hoops basketball 娱乐场用投篮游戏机 Yes
2801.1 280216 arcade video game machines 娱乐场用视频游戏机 Yes
2806 archery appliances (Japanese and Western style) 箭术器具(日式和西式)
2806 archery arrows 箭术用箭
2806 archery bowstring 射箭用弓弦
2806 280008 archery implements 射箭用器具
2806 archery targets 箭术用靶
2809.1 armor protective gloves 盔甲防护手套
2806 arrow (for archery) 箭(箭术用)
2806 arrow for archery 射箭用箭头
2811 artificial baits for fishing 钓鱼用人造鱼饵
2810 artificial Christmas trees 人造圣诞树
2807.1 artificial climbing wall 人造攀登墙
2811 280002 artificial fishing bait 人造钓鱼饵
2810 280096 artificial snow for Christmas trees 圣诞树用人造雪
2807.1 280201 ascenders [mountaineering equipment] 上升器(登山设备)
2802 assembling toy building blocks 拼插玩具积木 Yes
2803 Automatic Mahjong Table (Machine) 全自动麻将桌(机) No
2803 C280033 automatic majiang table 全自动麻将桌
2802 280234 baby gyms 婴儿健身架 Yes
2802 baby rattle 婴儿摇铃
2802 baby toys 婴儿玩具
2803 280114 backgammon games 十五子棋
2804 badminton for paw board game 羽子板游戏用羽毛球
2804 badminton nets 羽毛球网
2804 C280035 badminton racket 羽毛球拍
2807.1 280166 bags especially designed for skis 滑雪板专用袋 No
2811 bait bags for live bait 装活鱼饵用鱼饵袋
2811 baits for hunting 狩猎用诱饵
2807.1 C280054 balance beam 平衡木
2807.1 balance beam (for gymnastics) 平衡木(体操用)
2802 balance bird toy 平衡鸟玩具 Yes
2804 C280041 ball and racket bag 球及球拍专用袋
2804 ball hocky 旱地冰球用球
2804 280220 ball pitching machines 投球机
2802 280275 ball-jointed dolls [BJD] 球型关节人偶(BJD) No
2804 balls for cricket 板球运动用球
2804 balls for French rolling 法式滚球运动用球
2804 280011 balls for games 体育活动用球
2804 balls for ice hockey 冰球运动用球
2804 balls for lacrosse 长曲棍球运动用球
2804 280030 balls for playing bowls 草地滚球比赛用球 No
2807.1 280075 bar-bells 杠铃
2807.1 Barbell (for weightlifting) 杠铃(举重用) No
2807.1 barbells for weightlifting 举重用杠铃
2809.1 barcers for skateboarding 滑板运动用护臂
2804 baseball (hard) 棒球(硬式)
2809.1 baseball barcers 棒球护臂
2804 baseball bases 棒球垒
2804 baseball bat 棒球棍
2804 baseball bat bag 棒球棍袋
2809.1 baseball chest guards 棒球护胸
2809.1 280141 baseball gloves 棒球手套
2804 baseball hitting cage nets 棒球击球笼网
2804 baseball hitting trainers 棒球打击练习器
2804 baseball net 棒球投球网 Yes
2804 baseball pitching machine 棒球发球机
2804 baseballs 棒球
2804 basket net 篮筐网
2804 basketball backboard 篮球的篮板
2804 basketball basket 篮球球篮
2804 basketball basket 篮球篮框
2804 basketball basket 篮球篮圈
2804 basketballs 篮球
2802 bath toy 洗澡玩具 Yes
2807.1 baton 接力棒
2802 battery operated toys 电池操作的玩具 No
2801.1 battery-powered computer game consoles with LCD screen 带液晶屏幕的电池驱动的计算机游戏机 Yes
2809.1 280015 batting gloves [accessories for games] 击球手用手套(运动器件)
2802 beach balls 沙滩球
2802 beach toys 沙滩玩具
2810 280039 bells for Christmas trees 圣诞树用小铃
2811 belly for fishing 钓鱼用肚顶
2801.2 C280013 big building blocks 大积木 No