

Clothing, footwear, headwear.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 25


Belt, belt [clothing]



Theatrical costume



Single products












Babies’ products of textile



Gloves, not included in special gloves



Special sports wear



Neckties, Scarf, Mantillas, Veils



Water-proof clothing



760 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
2507 (worn in the rain) high-tooth clogs (雨天穿的)高齿木屐 No
2512 a kimono belt 和服用腰带 Yes
2501 250192 adhesive bras 胸贴 Yes
2503 aikido suits 合气道服 Yes
2513.1 250174 albs (牧师、神父穿的)白麻布长袍 Yes
2507 250175 ankle boots 短靴 Yes
2507 ankle boots for women 女式短靴 Yes
2509 C250023 ankle socks 袜套 Yes
2503 Anti abrasion coats for water sports 水上运动用防磨衣 No
2507 Anti-slip pads for flip-flops 夹趾凉鞋用防滑垫 Yes
2501 apron 围裙 Yes
2501 250096 aprons [clothing] 围裙(衣服) Yes
2511 250157 ascots 爱斯科式领带 Yes
2502 250058 babies' pants [underwear] 婴儿裤(内衣) Yes
2502 baby boots 婴儿靴 Yes
2502 baby clothes 婴儿服装 Yes
2502 baby crawler 婴儿爬行服 No
2502 Baby full suit (clothing) 婴儿全套服(服装) No
2502 baby jumpsuit 婴儿连体衣 Yes
2502 baby pants 婴儿裤 Yes
2502 baby shoes 婴儿鞋 Yes
2502 baby sleepwear 婴儿睡衣裤 Yes
2502 baby top 婴儿上衣 Yes
2502 baby's full suit 婴儿全套服 No
2502 Baby's full suit (clothing) 婴儿全套衣(服装) No
2502 baby’s pants (clothing) 婴儿裤(服装) Yes
2502 baby’s wool shoes 婴儿绒线鞋 Yes
2508 balaklava headgear 巴拉克拉瓦头套 Yes
2507 ballet shoes 芭蕾舞鞋 Yes
2505 ballet skirt 芭蕾舞短裙 Yes
2507 ballroom dancing shoes 交谊舞鞋 Yes
2508 C250020 bamboo hat 斗笠 No
2511 Bandana Square Silk (Scarf) 班丹纳方绸(围脖儿) No
2511 250148 bandanas [neckerchiefs] 班丹纳方绸(围巾) No
2501 barber's overalls 理发师用工作服 Yes
2508 baseball cap 棒球帽 Yes
2507 baseball shoes 棒球鞋 Yes
2501 baseball uniform 棒球服 Yes
2507 basketball shoes 篮球鞋 Yes
2501 250127 bath robes 浴衣 Yes
2507 250004 bath sandals 浴室凉鞋 Yes
2507 250005 bath slippers 浴室拖鞋 Yes
2503 250124 bathing caps 游泳帽 Yes
2503 250126 bathing suits / swimsuits 游泳衣 Yes
2503 250125 bathing trunks / bathing drawers 游泳裤 No
2503 250125 bathing trunks / bathing drawers 男用游泳裤 Yes
2501 bathrobe 浴袍 No
2508 beach caps 沙滩帽 Yes
2501 250104 beach clothes 海滨浴场用衣 No
2501 beach coat 沙滩外衣 Yes
2507 250105 beach shoes 海滨浴场用鞋 Yes
2501 beach shorts 沙滩裤 Yes
2501 beach smocks 沙滩罩衫 Yes
2501 beach sun protection clothing 沙滩防晒服装 No
2501 beach wear 沙滩装 Yes
2508 beanie 无沿便帽 No
2501 C250004 bellyband for women 妇女腹带 No
2512 belt 束腰带 Yes
2512 belt made of textiles 纺织品制腰带 Yes
2512 250031 belts [clothing] 服装带(衣服) Yes
2508 250009 berets 贝雷帽 Yes
2502 250128 bibs, not of paper 非纸制围涎 No
2502 250182 bibs, sleeved, not of paper 非纸制带袖围涎 No
2508 bicycle caps 自行车帽 Yes
2503 bikini 比基尼泳衣 Yes
2503 Bikini 比基尼泳装 No
2501 blouse 女式衬衫 Yes
2501 blue jeans 蓝色牛仔裤 Yes
2511 250011 boas [necklets] 长皮毛围巾(披肩) No
2501 250025 bodices [lingerie] 紧身围腰(女内衣) No
2501 body shaping underwear 塑身内衣 Yes
2501 bomber jacket 飞行员夹克 Yes
2508 bonnet 无边软帽 No
2507 250040 boot uppers 靴帮 Yes
2507 boots 靴套 Yes
2507 250141 boots for sports* 运动靴 Yes
2507 250014 boots* Yes
2507 bottom surface of japanese zori 日式草屐的上底面 Yes
2511 C250025 bow tie 领结 Yes
2507 bowling shoes 保龄球鞋 Yes
2501 boxer briefs 平角内裤 Yes
2501 boxer shorts 拳击手短裤 Yes
2501 250023 boxer shorts 平脚短裤 Yes
2507 boxing shoes 拳击鞋 Yes
2501 bra 胸罩 Yes
2512 250018 braces [suspenders] for clothing / suspenders [braces] for clothing 衣服背带 No
2501 250114 brassieres 乳罩 Yes
2501 brassless 无带乳罩 Yes
2501 250063 breeches for wear 马裤(穿着) Yes
2509 bridal garter 新娘用袜带 Yes
2501 bridesmaid dress 伴娘礼服 Yes
2508 brim hat 带檐帽 No
2508 broad-rimmed hat made of indocalamus splints and leaves 箬笠 Yes
2507 buckskin soft bottom shoes 鹿皮软底鞋 Yes
2501 burqa robe 布卡罩袍 Yes
2501 C250007 bust pad(chest interlining) 胸罩衬垫(胸衬、胸垫) No
2501 button-front short-sleeve floral shirt 前扣式短袖花衬衫 Yes
2501 C250032 camera clothing 摄影背心 No
2501 Camisole 吊带衫 No
2501 250022 camisoles 女用背心 Yes