


Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water.

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List of Sub-classes included in Class 12


Trains and their parts



Vehicle, bus and their parts, not included in tyres



Bicycles, trishaws, and their parts, not included in tyres



Funiculars and aerial conveyors



Wheelchairs, trolleys, children’s hand car



Animal drawn vehicle, sleighs



Tyres and its repairing tools



Apparatus for locomotion by air (not include airplane tyres)



Apparatus for locomotion by water



Parts of apparatus for locomotion



891 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
1202 (automobile) brake master cylinder (汽车)制动主缸 Yes
1202 (of a faulty car) towing vehicle (故障车的)拖引车 No
1208.1 adhesive patch for inner tube or tyre 补内胎或轮胎用胶黏补片 Yes
1208.1 120194 adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes 补内胎用粘胶补片 Yes
1205 120004 aerial conveyors 架空运输设备 Yes
1209 aerial drone (non-toy) 航拍无人机(非玩具) Yes
1209 120203 aeronautical apparatus, machines and appliances 航空装置、机器和设备 No
1209 120027 aeroplanes 飞机 Yes
1208.1 agricultural vehicle tyres 农用车轮胎 Yes
1202 120247 air bags [safety devices for automobiles] 气囊(汽车安全装置) Yes
1210 120237 air cushion vehicles 气垫船 Yes
1202 air pump for motorcycle 摩托车用气泵 Yes
1211 120009 air pumps [vehicle accessories] 气泵(运载工具附件) No
1202 air spring for vehicle suspension components for driver seat and cab damping 用于驾驶员座椅和驾驶室减震的车辆悬架元件的空气弹簧 Yes
1202 air turbines for land vehicles 陆地车辆用空气涡轮机 Yes
1209 120005 air vehicles 空中运载工具 No
1211 airbag for vehicles 运载工具用气囊 Yes
1209 120184 aircraft 航空器 Yes
1210 aircraft carrier 航空母舰 Yes
1209 aircraft fuel tank 航空器油箱 Yes
1209 aircraft fuselage 航空器机身 Yes
1209 aircraft fuselage 飞机机身 Yes
1209 aircraft landing gear 航空器起落架 Yes
1208.1 aircraft landing gear tyres 航空器起落架用轮胎 Yes
1209 aircraft landing gear wheel 航空器起落架轮 Yes
1209 aircraft landing gear wheels 飞机起落架轮子 Yes
1209 aircraft propeller 飞机螺旋桨 Yes
1209 aircraft seat 飞机座椅 Yes
1202 aircraft tractor 飞机牵引车 Yes
1209 aircraft wing 航空器用机翼 Yes
1211 airflow spoiler for vehicles 运载工具用气流扰流板 Yes
1208.1 C120005 airplane tyre 飞机轮胎 Yes
1209 120030 airships / dirigible balloons 飞船 Yes
1209 120030 airships / dirigible balloons 飞艇 Yes
1202 all-terrain vehicle 全地形车辆 No
1202 120327 all-terrain vehicles 全地形车 Yes
1202 120233 ambulances 救护车 Yes
1209 120012 amphibious airplanes 水陆两用飞机 Yes
1202 amphibious vehicle 水陆两栖车 No
1202 amphibious vehicle 水陆两用车 Yes
1202 120326 amphibious vehicles 两栖车 No
1211 120204 anti-dazzle devices for vehicles* / anti-glare devices for vehicles* 运载工具防眩光装置 No
1211 120204 anti-dazzle devices for vehicles* / anti-glare devices for vehicles* 运载工具遮光装置 No
1202 Anti-glare glass windows for vehicles 车辆防眩光玻璃窗 No
1202 120014 anti-skid chains 防滑链 No
1208.1 anti-skid studs for vehicle tyres 运载工具轮胎用防滑钉 Yes
1211 120211 anti-theft alarms for vehicles 运载工具防盗报警器 Yes
1211 120200 anti-theft devices for vehicles 运载工具防盗设备 Yes
1202 C120020 anti-theft devices for vehicles 车辆防盗设备 No
1202 armored body 装甲车身 Yes
1202 armored land vehicle 装甲陆地车辆 Yes
1202 120271 armoured vehicles / armored vehicles 装甲车 Yes
1202 120282 ashtrays for automobiles 汽车用烟灰缸 Yes
1202 auto cup holder (auto parts) 汽车专用杯子固定器(汽车部件) Yes
1202 automatic guided (unmanned) material handling vehicle 自动导向(无人驾驶)材料搬运车 Yes
1202 automatic transmission for land vehicles 陆地车辆用自动变速箱 Yes
1202 120207 automobile bodies 汽车车身 Yes
1202 120025 automobile chassis 汽车底盘 Yes
1202 automobile door handles 汽车门把手 Yes
1202 automobile Engine 汽车引擎 Yes
1202 automobile fuel tank (land vehicle parts) 汽车油箱(陆地车辆部件) No
1202 automobile fuel tank cover 汽车用油箱盖 Yes
1202 120023 automobile hoods 汽车引擎盖 Yes
1202 automobile roof rails 汽车车顶行李架 Yes
1202 automobile seat belts 汽车座椅安全带 Yes
1202 automobile shock absorber spring 汽车减震弹簧 Yes
1202 automobile ski rack 汽车用雪橇架 Yes
1202 automobile ski rack 汽车用滑雪板架 Yes
1202 automobile spare tyre fixing bracket 汽车备胎固定支架 Yes
1202 automobile spoiler 汽车扰流板 Yes
1202 automobile sun visor 汽车用遮阳板 Yes
1202 automobile sunroof 汽车天窗 Yes
1202 automobile suspension spring 汽车用悬挂弹簧 Yes
1208.1 120206 automobile tyres / automobile tyres 汽车轮胎 Yes
1202 automobile upholstery 汽车内饰件 Yes
1202 C120011 automobile wheel 汽车车轮 Yes
1202 C120012 automobile wheel axis holder 汽车车轮毂 Yes
1202 automotive air pump 汽车用气泵 Yes
1202 automotive axles and cardan shafts 汽车用车轴和万向轴 Yes
1202 automotive gearbox 汽车用变速箱 Yes
1202 automotive hydraulic circuit 汽车用液压回路 Yes
1202 automotive rim 汽车用轮圈 Yes
1202 Automotive special cover (molding) 汽车专用盖罩(成形) No
1202 automotive wheel protection ring 汽车轮毂保护圈 Yes
1202 automotive windshield 汽车用挡风玻璃 Yes
1210 120295 autonomous underwater vehicles for seabed inspections 海底探测用自动潜航器 Yes
1202 120120 axle journals 车轴颈 No
1202 axles for land vehicles 陆地车辆用车轴 Yes
1202 120119 axles for vehicles 车轴 Yes
1206 baby carriage canopy 婴儿车盖篷 No
1206 120293 bags adapted for pushchairs / bags adapted for strollers 婴儿车专用包 Yes
1211 120116 balance weights for vehicle wheels 运载工具轮平衡器 Yes
1202 banding for heavy mudguard 加重挡泥皮用镶边 Yes
1202 120127 bands for wheel hubs 轮毂箍 Yes
1210 120063 barges 驳船 Yes
1204.1 120248 baskets adapted for bicycles 自行车车筐 Yes
1202 120296 bellows for articulated buses 铰接式公共汽车用铰接箱 Yes
1211 beverage rack for vehicles 运载工具用饮料架 Yes
1204.2 bicycle 脚踏车 No
1208.1 Bicycle and bicycle inner tubes 自行车、脚踏车内胎 No