

Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 35





Commercial or industrial management assistance



Sales promotion for others



Personnel management assistance



Office business






Single service



retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical and medical supplies



524 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
3507 account audit 账目审计 Yes
3507 accounting advisory services 会计咨询服务 Yes
3507 Accounting Consulting 会计咨询 Yes
3507 accounting service 会计服务 Yes
3504 actor management 演员的管理 Yes
3502 350131 administration of consumer loyalty programs 消费者忠诚度计划管理 No
3502 350128 administration of frequent flyer programs 飞行常客计划管理 No
3507 administrative accounting 行政会计 Yes
3502 350154 administrative assistance in responding to calls for tenders / administrative assistance in responding to requests for proposals [RFPs] 关于响应招标的管理辅助 No
3506 350095 administrative processing of purchase orders 对购买订单进行行政处理 Yes
3506 Administrative processing of purchase orders within the framework of mail order business services 对邮购企业服务框架内的购买订单进行行政处理 Yes
3506 350165 administrative services for medical referrals 医疗转诊的行政服务 No
3502 350069 administrative services for the relocation of businesses 商业企业迁移的管理服务 No
3501 C350001 advertisement designing 广告设计 No
3501 C350007 advertisement drafting 广告材料起草 No
3501 C350002 advertisement planning 广告策划 Yes
3501 350039 advertising / publicity 广告 Yes
3501 350039 advertising / publicity 广告宣传 No
3501 advertising agencies services 广告代理服务 Yes
3501 350047 advertising agency services / publicity agency services 广告代理 Yes
3501 advertising analysis 广告分析 Yes
3501 350077 advertising by mail order 通过邮购订单进行的广告宣传 Yes
3501 advertising by the mobile phone network 通过移动电话网络做广告 Yes
3501 advertising by tv, radio and mail 通过电视、无线电和邮件进行广告宣传服务 Yes
3501 advertising consultancy 广告咨询 Yes
3501 Advertising consulting services 广告咨询服务 No
3501 advertising edit, internet web-based 互联网网页式广告的编辑 Yes
3501 advertising editing, production and dissemination 广告编辑、制作和传播 Yes
3501 advertising for film 为电影做广告 Yes
3501 Advertising for others in the areas of real estate, mortgages, finance, insurance, relocation, repairs, maintenance and housekeeping 为他人在不动产、抵押、金融、保险、搬迁、修理、维护及家政服务领域提供广告服务 No
3501 Advertising Information Service 广告信息服务 No
3501 advertising intermediation 广告中介 Yes
3501 advertising on pharmaceutical and in-vivo imaging products 有关药品和体内成像产品的广告 Yes
3501 advertising on public and professional publications 大众和专业出版物上的广告 Yes
3501 advertising reaction analysis 广告反应分析 Yes
3501 advertising research 广告研究 Yes
3501 advertising services 广告服务 Yes
3501 advertising services provided by radio and television advertising agencies 无线电和电视广告代理提供的广告服务 Yes
3501 350178 advertising services to create brand identity for others 为他人创建品牌形象的广告服务 No
3501 Advertising Text Publishing Services 广告文本出版服务 Yes
3501 advertising (through all mass communications) 广告(通过所有大众传播途径) Yes
3502 advice and information about business management 有关商业管理的建议和信息 Yes
3502 advice on business organization and management 有关商业组织和管理的建议 Yes
3503 advice on chemical marketing 有关化学品市场营销的建议 Yes
3502 advising on preparing and implementing commercial transactions 为准备和实施商业交易提供建议 Yes
3502 350048 advisory services for business management 商业管理顾问 No
3507 agricultural enterprise cost accounting service 农业企业成本会计服务 Yes
3506 350130 appointment reminder services [office functions] 预约提醒服务(办公事务) No
3506 350129 appointment scheduling services [office functions] 预约安排服务(办公事务) No
3503 arrange and organize auctions 安排和组织拍卖 Yes
3503 arrange and organize marketing promotion for others 为他人安排和组织市场促销 Yes
3506 arrange orders for telecommunications services (for others) 安排电信服务订购(为他人) Yes
3503 arranging an auction 安排拍卖 Yes
3506 350076 arranging newspaper subscriptions for others 为他人订阅报纸 Yes
3506 350171 arranging subscriptions to electronic toll collection [ETC] services for others 为他人预订电子收费(ETC)服务 No
3506 350094 arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others 为他人预订电信服务 No
3506 arranging telephone reception and answering services for third parties 为第三方安排电话接待和接听服务 Yes
3503 asset auction 资产拍卖 Yes
3502 assist, consultancy and advisory, related to commercial analysis 与商业分析有关的辅助、咨询和顾问 Yes
3502 assist, consultancy and advisory, related to commercial management 与商业管理有关的辅助、咨询和顾问 Yes
3502 assist, consultancy and advisory, related to commercial organization 与商业组织有关的辅助、咨询和顾问 Yes
3502 assist, consultancy and advisory, related to commercial plan 与商业规划有关的辅助、咨询和顾问 Yes
3503 auction service 拍卖服务 Yes
3503 350030 auctioneering 拍卖 Yes
3507 audit of financial statements 财务报表的审计 Yes
3503 auto auction 汽车拍卖 Yes
3501 banner advertising 横幅广告 Yes
3501 350003 bill-posting 张贴广告 Yes
3507 350015 book-keeping / accounting 会计 No
3507 350015 book-keeping / accounting 簿记 No
3504 C350005 broker for performing artists 表演艺术家经纪 No
3502 business activity management assistance 商业活动管理辅助 Yes
3502 business advice, survey or information 商业建议、调查或信息 Yes
3502 350032 business appraisals 商业评估 Yes
3507 350017 business auditing 商业审计 Yes
3502 business catalogue 商业目录编制 Yes
3502 business consultancy, advisory and information services 商业咨询、顾问和信息服务 No
3502 350166 business consulting services for digital transformation 关于数字化转型的商业咨询服务 No
3502 Business Consulting Services on Marketing 关于市场营销的商业咨询服务 No
3502 business data analysis 商业数据分析 Yes
3502 Business Data Analysis Services 商业数据分析服务 No
3502 business efficiency advice 商业效率建议 Yes
3502 350029 business efficiency expert services 经营效率专家服务 Yes
3502 Business Evaluation Services 商业评估服务 No
3502 business feasibility study 商业可行性研究 Yes
3502 business information 商业信息 Yes
3502 350002 business inquiries 商业询价 No
3502 Business inquiries on marketing campaigns and new product launches 有关市场营销活动和新品发布的商业咨询 No
3502 350136 business intermediary services relating to the matching of potential private investors with entrepreneurs needing funding 为需要资金的企业匹配潜在投资人的商业中介服务 Yes
3504 350167 business intermediary services relating to the matching of various professionals with clients 为客户匹配各种专业人员的商业中介服务 No
3502 350033 business investigations 商业调查 Yes
3502 business management analysis 商业管理分析 Yes
3502 business management and corporate organization consulting 商业管理和企业组织咨询 Yes
3502 350018 business management and organization consultancy 商业管理和组织咨询 No
3502 business management assistance 商业业务的经营管理辅助 Yes
3502 business management assistance 企业管理辅助 Yes
3502 350001 business management assistance 商业管理辅助 Yes
3502 business management assistance and consulting for companies in the energy sector 能源领域公司的商业管理辅助和咨询 Yes
3502 business management assistance for industrial and commercial companies 工商业公司的商业管理辅助 Yes
3502 350020 business management consultancy 商业管理咨询 Yes