1302 |
130001 |
acetyl-nitrocellulose |
乙炔硝化棉 |
No |
1301 |
Air gun |
气枪 |
Yes |
1301 |
Air gun |
气弹枪 |
Yes |
1301 |
Air gun bullet |
气枪子弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
130059 |
air pistols [weapons] |
气枪(武器) |
No |
1301 |
Air-to-ground missiles |
空对地导弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
Airdrop bomb |
空投炸弹 |
Yes |
1302 |
130005 |
ammonium nitrate explosives |
硝酸铵炸药 |
Yes |
1301 |
130027 |
ammunition |
弹药 |
Yes |
1301 |
130042 |
ammunition for firearms |
火器弹药 |
Yes |
1301 |
Ammunition lifts |
弹药升降机 |
Yes |
1302 |
Ammunition propulsion mixture |
弹药推进用烟火混合物 |
Yes |
1301 |
Anti-aircraft gun |
高射炮 |
Yes |
1301 |
C130007 |
Anti-riot catching net |
防暴捕网器 |
No |
1302 |
Anti-tank mine |
反坦克地雷 |
Yes |
1301 |
130016 |
apparatus for filling cartridge belts |
装子弹带装置 |
No |
1301 |
Armor piercing |
穿甲弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
Armored vehicles and tanks with smoke bombs |
装甲车和坦克用烟雾弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
130014 |
artillery guns [cannons] |
大炮 |
No |
1301 |
130075 |
automatic firearm ammunition belts |
自动武器用弹药带 |
Yes |
1301 |
Automatic gun |
自动枪 |
Yes |
1301 |
130015 |
ballistic weapons / ballistic missiles |
弹道导弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
130015 |
ballistic weapons / ballistic missiles |
弹道武器 |
Yes |
1303 |
Beacon signal |
烽火信号 |
Yes |
1301 |
130074 |
belts adapted for ammunition |
弹药带 |
Yes |
1303 |
130017 |
Bengal lights |
信号烟火 |
Yes |
1301 |
Bipod for firearms |
火器用两脚架 |
Yes |
1302 |
Black powder |
黑火药 |
Yes |
1302 |
Bomb |
炸弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
130031 |
breeches of firearms |
火器后膛 |
Yes |
1301 |
C130001 |
Cannon cover |
炮衣 |
No |
1301 |
130020 |
cannons |
加农炮 |
Yes |
1301 |
cartridge belt gun charger |
子弹带装弹机 |
Yes |
1301 |
130019 |
cartridge cases |
弹壳 |
Yes |
1302 |
Cartridge for black powder |
黑火药用弹药筒 |
Yes |
1301 |
130024 |
cartridge loading apparatus |
装弹装置 |
No |
1301 |
130025 |
cartridge pouches |
子弹袋 |
Yes |
1301 |
cartridge shell collector for automatic gun |
自动枪支用弹壳收集器 |
Yes |
1301 |
130023, |
cartridges |
子弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
Cartridges for shotgun |
猎枪子弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
C130008 |
Catching net launcher |
捕捉网发射器 |
No |
1301 |
130010 |
cleaning brushes for firearms |
火器清洁刷 |
No |
1301 |
Cruise missile |
巡航导弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
Deep water bomb |
深水炸弹 |
Yes |
1302 |
130066 |
detonating caps, other than toys / percussion caps, other than toys |
非玩具用火帽 |
No |
1302 |
Detonating detonator |
引爆雷管 |
Yes |
1302 |
Detonating device for underwater mine blasting |
水下矿井爆破用引爆装置 |
No |
1302 |
130062 |
detonating fuses for explosives / firing lanyards for explosives |
炸药用引爆信管 |
Yes |
1302 |
130062 |
detonating fuses for explosives / firing lanyards for explosives |
炸药点火拉绳 |
No |
1302 |
130018 |
detonating plugs |
起爆栓 |
Yes |
1302 |
Detonator |
起爆剂 |
Yes |
1302 |
130006 |
detonators |
雷管 |
Yes |
1302 |
130032 |
dynamite |
甘油炸药 |
Yes |
1301 |
Electric conduction weapon |
电传导武器 |
Yes |
1302 |
130003 |
explosive cartridges |
爆炸弹药筒 |
Yes |
1302 |
Explosive device |
爆炸装置 |
Yes |
1302 |
130051 |
explosive powders |
爆炸火药 |
Yes |
1302 |
130034 |
explosives |
炸药 |
Yes |
1301 |
130009 |
firearms |
火器 |
Yes |
1303 |
C130005 |
Firecracker |
爆竹 |
No |
1303 |
130072 |
firecrackers |
鞭炮 |
Yes |
1303 |
C130006 |
Firework |
烟花 |
No |
1303 |
130013 |
fireworks |
焰火 |
Yes |
1301 |
130057 |
firing platforms |
发射平台 |
Yes |
1301 |
flare |
信号弹 |
No |
1301 |
130079 |
flare pistols |
信号枪 |
Yes |
1303 |
130064 |
fog signals, explosive |
爆炸性烟雾信号 |
Yes |
1302 |
130060 |
fuses for explosives |
炸药导火线 |
Yes |
1302 |
130044 |
fuses for explosives, for use in mines |
地雷用炸药导火线 |
No |
1301 |
Gas bomb (weapon) |
毒气弹(武器) |
Yes |
1301 |
Guided missile |
制导导弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
Guided projectile |
制导炮弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
Gun bracket |
枪支支架 |
Yes |
1301 |
130002 |
gun carriages [artillery] |
炮架 |
Yes |
1301 |
Gun cartridge |
枪械弹盒 |
Yes |
1301 |
Gun coat |
枪衣 |
Yes |
1301 |
Gun noise suppressor |
枪炮噪声抑制器 |
Yes |
1301 |
Gun specific bag |
枪支专用包 |
No |
1302 |
130030 |
guncotton / pyroxylin |
火药棉 |
Yes |
1302 |
130050 |
gunpowder |
火药 |
Yes |
1302 |
gunpowder for shotgun |
猎枪用火药 |
Yes |
1301 |
130036 |
guns [weapons] |
枪(武器) |
No |
1301 |
130037 |
gunstocks |
枪托 |
Yes |
1301 |
130028 |
hammers for guns and rifles / hammers for guns / hammers for rifles |
步枪撞针 |
No |
1301 |
130028 |
hammers for guns and rifles / hammers for guns / hammers for rifles |
枪撞针 |
No |
1301 |
130078 |
hand grenades |
手榴弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
130069 |
harpoon guns [weapons] |
捕鲸炮(武器) |
No |
1301 |
Heavy artillery |
重炮 |
Yes |
1301 |
Howitzer |
榴弹炮 |
Yes |
1301 |
130026 |
hunting firearms / sporting firearms |
猎枪 |
Yes |
1301 |
130026 |
hunting firearms / sporting firearms |
体育用火器 |
Yes |
1301 |
Incendiary bomb |
燃烧弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
infrared warhead for defending rocket |
红外线防御火箭用弹头 |
Yes |
1301 |
Insurance plug for firearms |
火器保险栓 |
Yes |
1301 |
130041 |
lead shot for hunting |
打猎铅弹 |
No |
1301 |
Light weapons with loading equipment |
轻武器用装弹设备 |
Yes |
1302 |
Liquid explosive |
液体炸药 |
Yes |
1303 |
Luminous explosive smoke signal |
发光的爆炸性烟雾信号 |
Yes |
1301 |
Machine gun bullet |
机枪子弹 |
Yes |
1301 |
130046 |
machine guns |
机枪 |
Yes |