

Legal services; security services for the physical protection of
tangible property and individuals; personal and social services
rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 45


Security service



Personal service



Clothing rental



Funerals and undertaking



Single service



Legal service



203 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
4505.5 450193 adoption agency services 领养代理 Yes
4505.5 adoption placement 收养安置 Yes
4501 air baggage security check 航空行李安全检查 Yes
4501 airport baggage screening service 机场行李安检服务 Yes
4501 alarm monitoring 报警器监控 Yes
4506 450214 alternative dispute resolution services 替代性纠纷解决服务 Yes
4506 450205 arbitration services 仲裁 Yes
4504 arranging funerals 安排葬礼 Yes
4502 babysitter service 保姆服务 No
4502 450195 babysitting 临时照看婴孩 Yes
4503 bachelor's uniform rental 学士服出租 Yes
4501 background check 背景调查 Yes
4501 baggage inspection for security purposes 为安全目的进行的行李检查 Yes
4501 bodyguard service 保镖服务 Yes
4505.13 bomb detection service 炸弹探测服务 Yes
4503 bridal clutch bag rental 新娘用手拿包出租 Yes
4503 bridal gown rental 新娘礼服出租 Yes
4503 bridal Jewelry Rental 新娘首饰出租 Yes
4501 bullet proof vest rental 防弹衣出租 Yes
4504 450056 burial services 下葬服务 Yes
4506 cartoon licensing 卡通形象授权 Yes
4502 450002 chaperoning 社交护送(陪伴) No
4502 450002 chaperoning 社交陪伴 Yes
4501 chasing fugitives 追捕逃犯 Yes
4503 450081 clothing rental 服装出租 Yes
4505.2 computer dating service 计算机交友服务 Yes
4506 computer software license 计算机软件许可 Yes
4506 computer software license consultation 计算机软件许可咨询 Yes
4501 conduct a security investigation for allotment of identity documents 为配发身份证件进行安全调查 Yes
4504 450229 conducting funeral ceremonies 举行葬礼 Yes
4505.4 450231 conducting religious ceremonies 举行宗教仪式 No
4506 consultancy services on intellectual property 有关知识产权的顾问服务 Yes
4501 consulting services in the field of security for commercial and industrial companies 商业和工业公司安保领域的咨询服务 Yes
4506 copyright licensing consultation 版权许可咨询 Yes
4506 450207 copyright management 版权管理 Yes
4506 copyright management consulting 版权管理咨询 Yes
4504 cremation 火葬 No
4504 450047 crematorium services 火化服务 Yes
4505.2 dating introduction service 交友介绍服务 Yes
4505.2 450005 dating services 交友服务 Yes
4501 day and night guard 日夜护卫 Yes
4501 450003 detective agency services 侦探服务 Yes
4501 detective investigation 侦探调查 Yes
4506 divorce mediation service 离婚调解服务 Yes
4502 450232 dog walking services 遛狗服务 No
4506 domain name registration for user identification on global computer networks (legal services) 全球计算机网络上的用户识别用域名注册(法律服务) Yes
4505.1 door lock service 开门锁服务 Yes
4503 dress rental 礼服出租 Yes
4504 450220 embalming services 尸体防腐服务 Yes
4501 entry background survey service 入职背景调查服务 Yes
4501 escort service 护卫队服务 No
4503 evening dress rental 晚装出租 Yes
4503 450046 evening dress rental 晚礼服出租 Yes
4505.3 fire alarm monitoring 火警监控 Yes
4505.3 fire prevention consultation 防火咨询 Yes
4505.3 fire service 消防服务 Yes
4505.3 450179 fire-fighting 消防 Yes
4501 flight passenger security service 航班旅客安检服务 Yes
4501 flow control fence for rent 人流控制栅栏出租 Yes
4503 formal rental 正装出租 Yes
4504 funeral 丧葬 No
4504 funeral service 丧葬服务 Yes
4504 funeral service 丧葬服务 Yes
4504 funeral service with cremation 伴有火化的葬礼服务 Yes
4504 funeral services with cremation 带火化的丧葬服务 No
4504 450057 funerary undertaking 殡仪 Yes
4505.8 450216 genealogical research 宗谱研究 Yes
4501 guard service to prevent thieves from invading 防止盗贼入侵的护卫服务 Yes
4501 450099 guard services 警卫服务 Yes
4503 handbag rental 手提包出租 Yes
4503 hat rental 帽子出租 Yes
4505.9 holding a civil marriage ceremony 举行民事结婚仪式 Yes
4502 450197 house sitting 临时看管房子 Yes
4502 C450001 housework service 家务服务 No
4506 industrial property consulting 工业产权咨询 Yes
4506 industrial property license 工业产权许可 Yes
4501 450202 inspection of factories for safety purposes 工厂安全检查 Yes
4506 C450002 intellectual property agency services 知识产权代理服务 No
4506 450206 intellectual property consultancy 知识产权咨询 Yes
4506 intellectual property license (legal service) 知识产权许可(法律服务) No
4503 jewelry rental 珠宝出租 No
4503 jewelry rental 首饰出租 Yes
4503 450234 kimono dressing assistance 协助穿着和服 Yes
4506 labor relations arbitration 劳资关系仲裁 Yes
4503 ladies clutch bag rental 女士手拿包出租 Yes
4506 lawyer service 律师服务 Yes
4505.12 450233 leasing of internet domain names 互联网域名租赁 No
4506 legal advice 法律咨询 Yes
4506 450235 legal advice in responding to calls for tenders 关于响应招标的法律建议 Yes
4506 legal advice in the field of taxation 税收领域的法律咨询 Yes
4506 legal advice on TV commercials, TV entertainment and sports 有关电视广告、电视娱乐和体育的法律咨询 Yes
4506 legal advisory services 法律咨询服务 Yes
4506 450240 legal advocacy services 司法辩护服务 No
4506 450247 legal compliance auditing 合法性审计 No
4506 450239 legal consultancy relating to patent mapping 关于专利地图的法律咨询 Yes
4506 450248 legal conveyancing 权益转让法律服务 No
4506 450221 legal document preparation services 法律文件准备服务 Yes
4506 legal information service 法律信息服务 Yes
4506 450258 legal process serving 法律文书送达服务 No
4506 450210 legal research 法律研究 Yes