

Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; cutlery; side arms, except firearms; razors


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 08


Hand abrasive apparatus



Pocket agricultural tools,not included in agriculture and horticulture knifes and scissors



Forestry and horticulture hand tools



Hand tools for stock raising



Hand tools for fish culture



Haircut tools, manicuring knifes, Tattoo tools



Hand tools, non-electric,not included in knifes and scissors



Hand apparatus, non-electric



Professional hand tools



Knifes and scissors,not included in mechanical blades and stationery knifes



Side arms,not included in firearms



Table cutlery [knives, forks and spoons]



Handmade handle



615 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
0810 A knife for cutting doughnuts 切硬面包圈用刀 Yes
0801 80002 abrading instruments [hand instruments] 磨具(手工具) No
0801 Abrasive tools (Hand-operated -) 研磨工具(手动的) Yes
0807 Adjustable spanner 活动扳手 Yes
0807 Adjustable wrench 可调节的扳手 Yes
0807 C080002 Adz No
0807 080141 adzes [tools] 横口斧(工具) No
0802 Agricultural fork 农用宽叉 Yes
0802 080220 agricultural forks [hand tools] 农业用叉(手工具) No
0802 080200 agricultural implements, hand-operated 农业器具(手动的) No
0808 080265 air pumps, hand-operated 手动气泵 Yes
0804 Animal skin knife 动物剥皮用刀 Yes
0807 080020 annular screw plates 环形搓丝板 No
0803 080088 apparatus for destroying plant parasites, hand-operated 消灭植物寄生虫用手动装置 No
0806 080256 apparatus for tattooing 文身器 Yes
0810 apple corer 苹果去核器 No
0810 apple corer 苹果去芯器 No
0807 080194 augers [hand tools] 钻(手工具) No
0807 080008 awls 锥子 Yes
0807 080069 axes Yes
0806 baby hair clipper 婴儿理发器 Yes
0804 Battery-powered animal toenail polishers 电池驱动的动物趾甲打磨机 Yes
0811 080025 bayonets (枪上的)刺刀 Yes
0806 080026 beard clippers 剃须刀 Yes
0807 Bench vice (hand tool) 台虎钳(手工具) No
0807 080261 bench vices [hand implements] 台虎钳(手工器具) Yes
0808 Bevel sander (hand tools) 斜角砂光机(手工具) Yes
0810 Beveled knife (hand tools) 斜切刀(手工具) Yes
0807 big saw 大锯 No
0802 080188 bill-hooks 钩刀 No
0810 Biodegradable knife 可生物降解的刀 Yes
0807 Bird plane (hand tool) 鸟刨(手工具) Yes
0807 080197 bits [hand tools] 钻头(手工具) No
0807 080016 bits [parts of hand tools] 钻头(手工具部件) No
0806 Blade for electric razor 电动剃须刀刀片 Yes
0810 Blade guards 刀套 Yes
0801 080093 blade sharpening instruments 磨刀器具 No
0807 Blades for crosscut saw 横切锯片 Yes
0807 080119 blades for planes 刨用刀片 Yes
0810 Blades for scissors 剪刀刀片 Yes
0810 080149 blades [hand tools] 刀片(手工具) No
0811 080150 blades [weapons] 剑(武器) No
0808 Bolt cutter (hand tools) 螺栓切割器(手工具) Yes
0810 080112 border shears 切边大剪刀 Yes
0808 080067 borers 穿孔器 No
0807 bow drill 弓摇钻 Yes
0807 080021 bow saws 弓锯 Yes
0809 C080009 Bowl drill 钉碗钻 No
0810 080280 box cutters 开箱刀 Yes
0810 Box for diving knife 潜水刀盒 Yes
0808 080161 braiders [hand tools] 打辫机(手工具) No
0808 080122 branding irons 打印用烙铁 Yes
0810 Bread knife 面包刀 Yes
0807 080199 breast drills 胸压式手摇钻 Yes
0807 Broadaxe 大斧 Yes
0810 080099 Budding knives 接芽刀 Yes
0807 Bump pestle 撞杵 Yes
0812 Butter knives 黄油餐刀 Yes
0810 Cake cutters 蛋糕切刀  Yes
0806 Callus files 老茧锉刀 Yes
0810 can opener 开罐头刀 No
0808 can puller 罐头拉环拉起器 No
0811 Cane sword 手杖剑 Yes
0807 Carpenter's dual-handle scraper 木工用双柄刮刀 Yes
0807 Carpenter's pincers (nail puller) 木工用钳(起钉钳) Yes
0807 080104 carpenters' augers 木工用钻子 No
0808 Carpet Holder (Hand Tool) 地毯撑子(手工具) Yes
0810 Carpet knife 地毯刀 Yes
0809 C080011 Carving bore 雕刻钻 No
0809 C080008 Carving pen 刻字笔 No
0810 080033 cattle shearers 牲畜修剪刀 No
0808 Caulking guns, hand-operated 手动填缝枪 Yes
0808 080045 caulking irons 勾缝铁器 Yes
0807 080175 centre punches [hand tools] 中心穿孔器(手工具) No
0810 080266 ceramic knives 陶瓷刀 Yes
0810 Chalk scrapers for tailors 裁缝用粉笔削刀 Yes
0810 Cheese slicers, non-electric 奶酪切片器(非电) No
0810 080248 cheese slicers, non-electric 奶酪切片器(非电动) Yes
0810 chef knife 厨师刀 Yes
0807 080159 chisels 凿子 No
0807 Chisels, hand-operated 手动凿子 Yes
0807 Chisels, hand-operated 凿子(手动的) Yes
0810 Choppers 砍刀 Yes
0810 080138 choppers [knives] 斩骨刀 No
0809 C080010 Circular glass cutting machine 元镜机 No
0807 080147 clamps for carpenters or coopers 夹钳(木工或制桶工业用) Yes
0807 Claw hammer 起钉锤 Yes
0810 080077 cleavers 切肉刀 Yes
0809 Concrete trowel 混凝土用泥刀 Yes
0806 080121 crimping irons 烫发用铁夹 Yes
0807 080250 crow bars 撬棍 Yes
0807 Crowbar for woodworking 木工用撬棒 Yes
0806 080058 curling tongs 烫发钳 Yes
0806 Cuticle shear 去死皮剪 Yes
0806 080101 cuticle tweezers / cuticle nippers 去死皮钳 Yes
0812 080078 cutlery* 刀叉餐具 No
0807 080009 cutter bars [hand tools] 镗孔棒(手工具) No
0810 080076 cutters* 切刀 No
0807 080230 cutting tools [hand tools] 切割工具(手工具) No
0807 Cutting tools, hand-operated 手动切割工具 Yes