

Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 41


Educational services



Organizing and arranging of activity of educaton,culture and entertainment



Library service



Publication service



Recreational and sports services



Animal training



Single service



542 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
4105.3 (skate) skate rental (冰刀)冰鞋出租 Yes
4105.1 A live comedy show 现场喜剧节目的演出 Yes
4101 Abacus training 算盘培训 Yes
4101 410002 academies [education] 学校(教育) No
4105.1 Aerial camera service 空中摄像服务 Yes
4105.1 Aerial projector rental 高射投影仪出租 Yes
4105.3 410211 aikido instruction 合气道训练 No
4105.3 Air fitness training 空中健身训练 Yes
4105.2 410003 amusement park services 游乐园服务 Yes
4101 Analyze educational test scores and data for others 为他人分析教育考试成绩和数据 Yes
4106 Animal Exhibition 动物展览 Yes
4106 410005 animal training 动物训练 Yes
4105.2 animation production services 动画片制作服务 Yes
4102 Arrange and conduct expert seminars in the field of oncology 安排和举办肿瘤学领域的专家研讨会 Yes
4102 Arrange and hold computer game competitions 安排并举办计算机游戏竞赛 No
4102 Arrange and organize business meetings 安排和组织商务会议 No
4102 Arrange and organize educational meetings 安排和组织教育会议 No
4102 Arrange entertainment 安排娱乐活动 No
4102 Arrange professional golf match 安排职业高尔夫比赛 Yes
4102 Arrange sports competitions 安排运动竞赛 Yes
4102 Arrange the football match 安排足球比赛 Yes
4102 Arrange, organize and organize expert seminars 安排、举办和组织专家讨论会 No
4102 410044 arranging and conducting of colloquiums 安排和组织学术讨论会 No
4102 410185 arranging and conducting of concerts 安排和组织音乐会 Yes
4102 410045 arranging and conducting of conferences 安排和组织会议 No
4102 410046 arranging and conducting of congresses 安排和组织大会 No
4102 410203 arranging and conducting of in-person educational forums 安排和组织现场教育论坛 No
4102 410070 arranging and conducting of seminars 安排和组织专家讨论会 No
4102 410243 arranging and conducting of sports events 安排和举办体育赛事 No
4102 410072 arranging and conducting of symposiums 安排和组织专题研讨会 No
4102 410076 arranging and conducting of workshops [training] 安排和组织培训班 No
4102 Arranging expert seminars 安排专家讨论会 No
4102 410077 arranging of beauty contests 安排选美竞赛 Yes
4105.7 C410014 Art Exhibition 艺术展览 Yes
4105.2 art exhibition 画展 No
4105.7 Art Exhibition Services 艺术展览服务 No
4105.7 Art Gallery Exhibition Services 美术馆展览服务 No
4105.1 410222 Audio engineering services for events 为活动提供音响工程服务 No
4105.1 Audio video recording service 音像录制服务 Yes
4101 Automobile driving training service 汽车驾驶培训服务 Yes
4105.2 Axe Throwing Competition (Entertainment) 掷斧比赛(娱乐) Yes
4101 ballet school 芭蕾舞学校 Yes
4105.2 Basketball Camp Services 篮球训练营服务 Yes
4105.3 basketball court rental 篮球场出租 Yes
4105.3 basketball training 篮球训练 Yes
4105.3 Beauty Pageant (Entertainment) 选美比赛(娱乐) Yes
4101 Beauty skills teaching 美容技巧教学 Yes
4101 Beauty training 美容培训 Yes
4101 boarding school 寄宿学校 No
4101 410075 boarding school education 寄宿学校教育服务 Yes
4104.1 Book and Book Review Publishing 书籍和书评出版 Yes
4104.1 Book publishing 图书出版 Yes
4103 Book rental 图书出租 Yes
4105.2 410078 booking of seats for shows 演出座位预订 Yes
4101 Bookkeeping training 簿记培训 Yes
4105.7 C410010 Botanical Garden 植物园 Yes
4105.3 Boxing training 拳击训练 Yes
4101 Business training 商业培训 Yes
4101 Business training consulting services 商业培训咨询服务 Yes
4105.2 Cabaret cabaret entertainment service 卡巴莱歌舞表演娱乐服务 Yes
4104.1 Calendar Publishing 日历出版 Yes
4105.1 410186 calligraphy services 书法服务 Yes
4101 Calligraphy training 书法培训 Yes
4105.1 Camera rental 照相机出租 Yes
4105.2 410245 captioning 配原文字幕 No
4104.1 Catalogue Publishing 目录出版 Yes
4105.2 Caves open to the public 向公众开放的洞穴 Yes
4102 Chair oncology Seminar 主持肿瘤学研讨会 Yes
4105.2 C410008 Chess and card room services 棋牌室服务 No
4105.2 Chess room (go or generals) 棋室(围棋或将棋) Yes
4106 Children's Zoo 儿童动物园 Yes
4105.1 cinema 电影院 Yes
4105.1 410057 cinema presentations / movie theatre presentations 电影放映 No
4105.2 Circus performance 马戏团表演 Yes
4105.2 410009 Circus performance 马戏表演 Yes
4105.2 410043 club services [entertainment or education] 俱乐部服务(娱乐或教育) No
4101 410189 coaching [training] 辅导(培训) No
4105.2 Comedy Club 喜剧俱乐部 Yes
4101 Computer Education and Training Services 计算机教育培训服务 Yes
4105.2 concert hall rental 音乐厅出租 Yes
4102 Conducting and arranging of college sports events 组织和安排高校体育赛事 Yes
4105.3 410194 conducting fitness classes 健身指导课程 Yes
4105.6 410214 conducting guided climbing tours 登山向导服务 Yes
4105.6 410206 conducting guided tours 导游服务 No
4102 410246 conducting of entertainment events 举办娱乐活动 No
4101 Cooking training 烹饪培训 Yes
4101 410011 correspondence courses 函授课程 No
4102 Dance Competition 舞蹈比赛 Yes
4101 Dance training 舞蹈培训 Yes
4105.2 410232 directing of shows 导演节目 No
4105.2 410191 disc jockey services 音乐主持服务 Yes
4105.2 410047 discotheque services 迪斯科舞厅 Yes
4105.3 diving training 跳水训练 Yes
4101 Domestic staff training 家政人员培训 No
4101 Driver safety training 司机安全培训 Yes
4105.1 410079 dubbing 配音 Yes
4105.1 Dubbing service 配音服务 Yes
4105.2 410233 e-sports services 电子竞技服务 No
4104.1 Edit content through global computer network publishing website 通过全球计算机网络出版网站编辑内容 Yes
4101 410221 Education and assessment of UAV driving qualification for users 为用户进行无人机驾驶资格的教育考核 No