

Materials, not of metal, for building and construction; rigid pipes, not of metal, for building; asphalt, tar and bitumen; transportable buildings, not of metal; monuments, not of metal.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 19





Mud, sand, stone and others material for building









Cement prefabricated components



Bricks tiles for building



Refractory materials and products, not of metal



Pitch and bitumen and their products



Building material and components, not of metal,not included in cement prefabricated cpmponents



Building, not of metal



Glass and glass material for building



Paint for building



Binding material for building



Sculpture of stone, concrete or marble



Coffins and gravestone



600 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
1902 dinas 砂石 Yes
1902 refractory concrete 耐火混凝土 Yes
1909.1.4 able-to-call plastic security windows 可通话的塑料防盗窗 Yes
1909.1.1 190264 accordion doors, not of metal 非金属折扇门 Yes
1909.1 190266 Acoustic panels, not of metal 非金属制吸音板 No
1910 190001 advertisement columns, not of metal 非金属广告栏 Yes
1909.1.3 190231 agglomerated bagasses of cane [building material] 凝结的甘蔗渣(建筑材料) No
1901 190111 agglomerated cork for building 建筑用压缩软木 Yes
1903 190003 alabaster 雪花石膏 Yes
1911 190002 alabaster glass 磨砂玻璃 No
1907 C190017 aluminum silicate refractory fiber 硅酸铝耐火纤维 No
1902 amphibole for building 建筑用闪石 Yes
1909.1.3 190067 angle irons, not of metal 非金属角铁 Yes
1909.1.4 anti - corrosion fabric, mat and film, not of metal(soil diaphragm) 非金属制防腐织物、垫席和薄膜(土隔膜) Yes
1910 190190 aquaria [structures] 水族池(建筑物) No
1902 190233 aquarium gravel 水族池砾石 Yes
1902 190234 aquarium sand 水族池用沙 Yes
1910 190175 arbours [structures], not of metal 凉亭(非金属结构) Yes
1909.1 Architectural glass curtain wall 建筑玻璃幕墙 No
1911 Architectural glass panels 建筑用玻璃板 No
1909.1.3 190261 armour-plating, not of metal / armor-plating, not of metal 非金属装甲板 No
1909.1.3 190254 armoured doors, not of metal / armored doors, not of metal 非金属装甲门 No
1910 artificial reef, not of metal 非金属人工鱼礁 Yes
1902 190142 artificial stone 人造石 Yes
1901 artificial timber 人造木材 Yes
1904 190004 asbestos cement 石棉水泥 No
1907 190005 asbestos mortar 石棉灰泥 No
1908 190013 asphalt 柏油 Yes
1908 asphalt felt for building 建筑用柏油毡 Yes
1908 asphalt felt for construction 建筑用沥青毡 Yes
1908 asphalt felt for roof 屋顶用沥青毡 Yes
1908 asphalt paper for roof 屋顶用沥青纸 Yes
1908 190014 asphalt paving 铺路沥青 No
1908 asphalt-based composites, for building 建筑用沥青为主的合成物 Yes
1910 190184 aviaries [structures], not of metal 鸟舍(非金属结构) No
1909.1.3 190016 balustrades, not of metal 非金属栏杆 Yes
1901 bamboo flooring 竹地板 Yes
1910 190195 beacons, not of metal, non-luminous 不发光非金属信号台 No
1909.1.3 190083 beams, not of metal / girders, not of metal 非金属梁 No
1910 190199 bicycle parking installations, not of metal 非金属制自行车停放架 Yes
1913 190040 binding agents for making briquettes / binding agents for making stones 制砖用黏合料 No
1913 190040 binding agents for making briquettes / binding agents for making stones 制煤砖用黏合料 No
1913 190110 binding material for road repair 修路用黏合材料 No
1902 binding plaster for building 建筑用黏合灰泥 Yes
1902 binding plaster for building 建筑用黏结灰浆 Yes
1910 190194 bird baths [structures], not of metal 鸟食台(非金属结构) No
1901 bisection wood 对分木材 Yes
1908 190017 bitumen 沥青 Yes
1908 190046 bitumen paper for building 建筑用沥青纸 Yes
1908 190082 bituminous coatings for roofing 屋顶用沥青涂层 Yes
1908 190025 bituminous products for building 建筑用沥青制成物 No
1902 block material for concrete 混凝土块料 Yes
1902 boulder 巨石 Yes
1909.1.3 190257 brackets, not of metal, for building 建筑用非金属托架 Yes
1909.1.1 190080 branching pipes, not of metal 非金属分岔管 Yes
1906 190038 bricks Yes
1906 Bricks for building 建筑用嵌砖 No
1911 190063 building glass 建筑用玻璃 Yes
1909.1.3 190197 building materials, not of metal / construction materials, not of metal 非金属建筑材料 No
1909.1.3 190223 building panels, not of metal 非金属楼梯 Yes
1909.1.3 190223 building panels, not of metal 建筑用非金属嵌板 Yes
1909.1.3 190062 building paper 建筑用纸 No
1902 building sand 建筑沙 Yes
1902 190141 building stone 建筑石料 Yes
1901 190027 building timber 建筑用木材 Yes
1910 190061 buildings, not of metal 非金属建筑物 No
1910 190119 buildings, transportable, not of metal 可移动的非金属建筑物 No
1915 190215 burial vaults, not of metal 非金属墓穴 Yes
1914 bust of stone, concrete or marble 石、混凝土或大理石半身雕塑像 No
1914 190202 busts of stone, concrete or marble 石、混凝土或大理石制半身像 No
1910 190203 cabanas, not of metal 非金属简易小浴室 Yes
1910 190042 caissons for construction work under water 水下建筑工程用沉箱 Yes
1902 190211 calcareous marl 含钙泥灰土 No
1903 calcined gypsum (building) 熟石膏(建筑用) Yes
1903 calcined gypsum for building 建筑用熟石膏 Yes
1902 calcite 方解石 Yes
1909.1.3 190179 casement windows, not of metal 非金属竖铰链窗 Yes
1901 190125 cask wood 制桶用木板 No
1909.1.4 ceiling cladding, not of metal 天花板的非金属覆盖层 Yes
1909.1.4 C190031 ceiling, made of glass steel 玻璃钢制天花板 No
1909.1.3 190148 ceilings, not of metal 非金属天花板 Yes
1904 cement admixture 水泥混合料 Yes
1905 C190010 cement asbestos board 石棉水泥板 No
1906 C190011 cement asbestos tile 石棉水泥瓦 No
1904 190093 cement for blast furnaces 高炉用水泥 No
1904 190092 cement for furnaces 熔炉用水泥 No
1905 C190007 cement pipe 水泥管 Yes
1905 190058 cement posts 水泥柱 Yes
1905 C190009 cement rack 水泥架 No
1905 190057 cement slabs 水泥板 Yes
1905 C190008 cement wire pole 水泥电杆 No
1904 190036 cement* 水泥 Yes
1904 cement, for filling 填充用水泥 Yes
1906 ceramic brick 陶制砖 Yes
1909.1 Ceramic building materials 陶瓷建筑材料 No
1909.1.2 ceramic drain-pipe 陶瓷排水管 Yes
1907 C190019 ceramic fiber cotton, felt 陶瓷纤维棉、毡 No
1906 ceramic floor tile 陶瓷地板砖 Yes
1906 ceramic roof tiles 陶瓷屋顶瓦片 Yes
1906 ceramic tile 陶瓷砖 No