

Ropes and string; nets; tents and tarpaulins; awnings of textile or synthetic materials; sails; sacks for the transport and storage of materials in bulk; padding, cushioning and stuffing materials, except of paper, cardboard, rubber or plastics; raw fibrous textile materials and substitutes therefor.

绳索和细绳;网;帐篷和防水遮布;纺织品或合成材料制遮篷;帆;运输和贮存散装物用麻袋; 衬垫和填充材料(纸或纸板、橡胶、塑料制除外);纺织用纤维原料及其替代品。

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List of Sub-classes included in Class 22


Ropes, string, wire, belts



Nets, tent, awnings, tarpaulins, sails



Bags, products for loading and unloading and packaging

袋 子 , 装 卸 、 包 装 用 物 品


Gaskets, plugging compound and hermetic goods, not included in plastic and rubber products



Raw fibrous



229 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
2202.4 a damp proof cloth is used to pave the ground when camping 露营时铺地用防潮布 Yes
2205 alpaca hair 羊驼毛 Yes
2201 anchor cable 锚索 Yes
2205 angora goat hair 安哥拉山羊毛 Yes
2202.1 220113 animal feeding nets 动物喂食用网 Yes
2205 220065 animal hair 兽毛 Yes
2205 animal hair (non textile, non brush) 家畜毛发(非纺织、非制刷用) Yes
2202.4 C220009 antiflaming fabric/flame-retardant fabric 阻燃布 No
2202.5 220102 awnings of synthetic materials 合成材料制遮篷 Yes
2202.5 220058 awnings of textile 纺织品遮篷 Yes
2203.1 Bags (sacks) for the transport and storage of bulk materials 运输和贮存散装物用口袋(麻袋) No
2202.4 bags for washing hosiery 洗针织品用袋 Yes
2203.1 220069 bags [envelopes, pouches] of textile, for packaging 包装用纺织品袋(信封、小袋) No
2201 bale sling 捆包绳 Yes
2201 binding rope made of natural textile fiber 天然纺织纤维制捆扎绳 Yes
2201 220086 binding thread, not of metal, for agricultural purposes 农业用非金属捆扎线 No
2201 220112 bindings, not of metal 非金属捆扎物 No
2202.5 220117 bivouac sacks being shelters 遮蔽式露营袋 No
2203.3 220107 body bags 裹尸袋 Yes
2201 220081 braces, not of metal, for handling loads / harness, not of metal, for handling loads 装卸用非金属吊带 No
2202.4 220001 brattice cloth 风障布 No
2201 cable 缆绳 No
2201 220084 cables, not of metal 非金属缆 Yes
2205 220012 camel hair 驼毛 Yes
2202.1 camouflage net for radar 雷达用伪装网 Yes
2202.1 camouflage net for vision 视觉用伪装网 Yes
2202.4 220110 canvas for sails 船帆用帆布 No
2202.2 Car non-specialized cover 汽车非专用盖罩 No
2201 220103 car towing ropes 汽车拖缆 Yes
2205 Carbon fiber for textile 纺织用碳化纤维 No
2205 220087 carbon fibres for textile use / carbon fibers for textile use 纺织用碳纤维 Yes
2205 220051 carded wool 机梳羊毛 No
2205 cashmere 羊绒 No
2205 chemical fiber for textile 纺织用金属纤维 Yes
2205 chemical fiber for textile 纺织用化学纤维 Yes
2202.1 chemical fiber web 化学纤维网 Yes
2201 climbing rope 攀岩绳 Yes
2201 climbing rope 登山绳 Yes
2203.1 220116 cloth bags specially adapted for the storage of diapers 存放尿布专用布袋 No
2205 coarse animal hair 粗兽毛 Yes
2202.4 C220008 coated fabric 漆布 No
2205 220018 coconut fibre / coconut fiber 椰子纤维 Yes
2205 cocoon 蚕茧 No
2205 220019 cocoons Yes
2205 220052 combed wool 精梳羊毛 No
2202.1 commercial fishing nets 商业用渔网 Yes
2201 compound thread 合股线 Yes
2201 220089 cords for hanging pictures 挂图片用绳 No
2205 cotton fiber 棉纤维 Yes
2205 220026 cotton tow 棉纤维束 No
2204 220090 cotton waste [flock] for padding and stuffing 衬垫和填充用废棉絮 No
2202.1 cotton web 棉网 Yes
2204 cotton wool for japanese bedding 日式被褥用棉胎 Yes
2202.2 220085 covers for camouflage 伪装罩 No
2204 down for filling 填充用羽绒 Yes
2204 down for stuffing 填料用羽绒 Yes
2204 220028 down [feathers] 羽绒 Yes
2204 duck down 鸭绒(羽毛) Yes
2202.4 220115 dust sheets / drop cloths 防尘罩布 No
2204 220029 eiderdown 鸭绒毛 No
2201 elastic rope 弹力绑绳 Yes
2201 Elastic rope 弹力绳 No
2204 220070 esparto grass 茅草 Yes
2201 fabric sling for handling 装卸用织物制吊索 Yes
2204 Feather for stuffing 填充用羽毛 Yes
2204 220057 feathers for bedding 被褥用羽毛 Yes
2204 220064 feathers for stuffing upholstery 装潢填充用羽毛 Yes
2204 fiber fillers for clothing 衣服用纤维填料 Yes
2205 Fiber raw materials for textiles 纺织用纤维原料 Yes
2205 Fiberglass (for textiles) 玻璃纤维(纺织用) No
2204 220036 fibrous gaskets for ships 船用纤维密封圈 No
2204 filler shavings 填充用刨花 Yes
2202.1 220011 fishing nets 渔网 Yes
2205 flax fiber (raw material) 亚麻纤维(原料) Yes
2205 220072 fleece wool 羊毛 Yes
2203.1 C220014 flexible freight bags/shipping sack 集装袋 No
2204 220007 flock [stuffing] 棉屑(填塞物) No
2203.1 C220012 flour bag 面袋 No
2201 garden plastic ties 庭园用塑料扎带 Yes
2202.1 glass fiber mesh 玻璃纤维网 Yes
2205 220093 glass fibres for textile use 纺织用玻璃纤维 Yes
2205 220093 glass fibres for textile use / glass fibers for textile use 纺织用玻璃纤维 Yes
2204 220044 grasses for upholstering 填充用草 No
2202.5 220043 hammocks 吊床 Yes
2201 220015 hemp bands 麻带 No
2205 220013 hemp fibres 麻纤维 Yes
2202.1 hemp net 麻网 Yes
2201 hemp rope 麻制绳索 Yes
2205 Horsehair (non-textile, non-brush) 马毛(非纺织、非制刷用) No
2205 220027 horsehair* 马毛 No
2201 household plastic ties 家庭用塑料扎带 Yes
2203.1 industrial chemical fiber bags 工业用化纤袋 Yes
2203.1 industrial cotton bag 工业用棉布袋 Yes
2203.1 industrial linen bags 工业用麻布袋 Yes
2205 220046 jute 黄麻 Yes
2205 jute fiber (raw material) 黄麻纤维(原料) Yes
2205 220047 kapok 木棉 Yes
2201 220045 ladder tapes for venetian blinds / ladder tapes or webbing for venetian blinds 软百叶帘用梯形带 Yes
2203.1 220118 laundry bags 脏衣收纳袋 Yes
2205 220054 liber 韧皮(植) Yes