

Security service


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47 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
4501 air baggage security check 航空行李安全检查 Yes
4501 airport baggage screening service 机场行李安检服务 Yes
4501 alarm monitoring 报警器监控 Yes
4501 background check 背景调查 Yes
4501 baggage inspection for security purposes 为安全目的进行的行李检查 Yes
4501 bodyguard service 保镖服务 Yes
4501 bullet proof vest rental 防弹衣出租 Yes
4501 chasing fugitives 追捕逃犯 Yes
4501 conduct a security investigation for allotment of identity documents 为配发身份证件进行安全调查 Yes
4501 consulting services in the field of security for commercial and industrial companies 商业和工业公司安保领域的咨询服务 Yes
4501 day and night guard 日夜护卫 Yes
4501 450003 detective agency services 侦探服务 Yes
4501 detective investigation 侦探调查 Yes
4501 entry background survey service 入职背景调查服务 Yes
4501 escort service 护卫队服务 No
4501 flight passenger security service 航班旅客安检服务 Yes
4501 flow control fence for rent 人流控制栅栏出租 Yes
4501 guard service to prevent thieves from invading 防止盗贼入侵的护卫服务 Yes
4501 450099 guard services 警卫服务 Yes
4501 450202 inspection of factories for safety purposes 工厂安全检查 Yes
4501 450243 lifeguard services 救生员服务 Yes
4501 450257 locating and tracking of lost people and property 定位和追踪失踪人员和财产 No
4501 450255 medical alarm monitoring 医疗警报监控 No
4501 missing person investigation 失踪人员调查 Yes
4501 450053 missing person investigations 寻人调查 Yes
4501 missing population survey 失踪人口调查 Yes
4501 450194 monitoring of burglar and security alarms 安全及防盗警报系统的监控 Yes
4501 night duty guard service 夜班警卫服务 Yes
4501 450006 night guard services 夜间护卫服务 Yes
4501 450199 personal background investigations 个人背景调查 Yes
4501 450001 personal body guarding 私人保镖 Yes
4501 450117 physical security consultancy 实体安全保卫咨询 Yes
4501 pre-employment background check services 就业前的背景调查服务 No
4501 provide reconnaissance and surveillance services 提供侦察和监视服务 Yes
4501 safety monitoring equipment rental 安全监控设备出租 Yes
4501 security advisory 安全保卫咨询 Yes
4501 450256 security guarding of facilities via remote monitoring systems 通过远程监控系统对设施进行安全保护 No
4501 security of the facility 设施的安全保卫 Yes
4501 450196 security screening of baggage 行李安检 Yes
4501 security service 安保服务 Yes
4501 security system monitoring 安全系统监控 Yes
4501 stolen vehicle recovery service 被盗运载工具追回服务 Yes
4501 surveillance service 监视服务 Yes
4501 450251 surveillance services by drone 无人机监控服务 No
4501 track stolen vehicles 追踪被盗运载工具 Yes
4501 450222 tracking of stolen property 追踪被盗财产 Yes
4501 workplace safety consultation 工作场所安全咨询 Yes