

Photographic film development


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29 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
4011 Advertisement printing 广告品印刷 Yes
4011 Blueprints 晒蓝图 Yes
4011 Book printing 书籍印刷 Yes
4011 Color enhancement of black and white film 黑白胶卷的色彩增强 Yes
4011 Color enhancement of black and white films 黑白电影的色彩增强 Yes
4011 400107 colour separation services 分色 Yes
4011 Design printing for others 为他人设计印刷 Yes
4011 Digital printing 数码印刷 Yes
4011 Film finishing 底片修整 Yes
4011 Film repair 底片修复 Yes
4011 gravure 凹版印刷 Yes
4011 400110 Lithographic printing 平版印刷 Yes
4011 400113 offset printing 胶印 Yes
4011 400022 pattern printing 图样印刷 Yes
4011 Photo development 照片冲洗 Yes
4011 Photo enlargement 照片放大 Yes
4011 400114 photocomposing services 照相排版 Yes
4011 400023 Photographic film development 照相底片冲洗 Yes
4011 400089 photographic printing 照片冲印 Yes
4011 400090 photogravure 照相凹版印刷 Yes
4011 Portrait printing 人像印刷 Yes
4011 400111 printing 印刷 Yes
4011 400002 processing of cinematographic films 电影胶片冲洗 Yes
4011 Relief press rental 凸版印刷机出租 Yes
4011 relief printing 凸版印刷 Yes
4011 Rental of printing machines and equipment 印刷机器和设备出租 Yes
4011 400115 silkscreen printing 丝网印刷 Yes
4011 Stamp printing 邮票印刷 Yes
4011 typesetting 排版 Yes