

Food and drink processing


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28 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
4008 Beer brewing 啤酒酿造 Yes
4008 400128 beer brewing for others 为他人酿造啤酒 No
4008 Beverage processing machinery and equipment rental 饮料加工机器和设备出租 Yes
4008 Brewery services 酿酒厂服务 Yes
4008 Brewing service 酿造服务 Yes
4008 canned food 制造罐头食品 Yes
4008 400138 cheese processing services in the nature of ripening, maturing and aging of cheese 奶酪熟化(奶酪加工服务) No
4008 400132 Consultation on grape wine brewing 葡萄酒酿造咨询 No
4008 400129 Custom made bread 定制生产面包 Yes
4008 Distilling spirits for others 为他人蒸馏烈酒 Yes
4008 C400002 Feed processing 饲料加工 Yes
4008 400044 flour milling 面粉加工 Yes
4008 400066 food and drink preservation 食物和饮料的防腐处理 No
4008 Food preservative treatment 食物防腐处理 Yes
4008 food processing 食品加工 Yes
4008 400033 food smoking 食物熏制 Yes
4008 400117 freezing of foods 食物冷冻 Yes
4008 400032 fruit crushing 榨水果 Yes
4008 400140 irradiation of food 食品辐照 No
4008 Making cider for others 为他人酿苹果酒 Yes
4008 400130 Pasteurization of food and beverage 食品和饮料的巴氏杀菌 No
4008 Processing of food for production 生产用食品的加工 Yes
4008 400091 processing of oil 油料加工 Yes
4008 Rental of food processing machinery and equipment 食品加工机器和设备出租 Yes
4008 Roasting and processing of coffee beans 咖啡豆烘焙与加工 Yes
4008 C400001 Tea processing 茶叶加工 Yes
4008 Wine for others 为他人酿酒 Yes
4008 400131 wine making for others 为他人酿造葡萄酒 No