

Synthesis processes and information supply


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16 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
4001 400001 abrasion 打磨 No
4001 400048 burnishing by abrasion 研磨抛光 Yes
4001 400083 custom assembling of materials for others 定做材料装配(为他人) No
4001 Gemstone polishing 宝石抛光 Yes
4001 C400006 Grinding 碾磨加工 No
4001 400041 grinding 研磨 No
4001 400040 laminating 层压 No
4001 400087 material treatment information 材料处理信息 No
4001 400087 material treatment information 提供材料处理信息 Yes
4001 400050 planing of materials 材料刨削处理 No
4001 Processing materials with laser beams 用激光束处理材料 Yes
4001 400122 sandblasting services 喷砂处理服务 Yes
4001 400052 sawing of materials 材料锯切服务 No
4001 Steel sand spraying service 喷钢砂服务 Yes
4001 Stone mill 石磨碾磨 Yes
4001 400101 vulcanization [material treatment] 材料硫化处理 No