

Dead aquatic products


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Sub-class 2902 is divided in this parts


133 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
2902.2 yellow croaker (non-live) 黄花鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 abalone (non-live) 鲍鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 anchovy slice 鳀鱼片 Yes
2902.2 290006 anchovy, not live 鳀鱼(非活)
2902.2 Angler Fish Liver 鮟鱇鱼肝 Yes
2902.2 ark shell (non-live) 舟贝(非活) Yes
2902.2 bayfish (non-live) 鲅鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 black caviar 黑鱼子酱 Yes
2902.2 blue mussel (non-live) 蓝贻贝(非活) Yes
2902.2 carp (non-live) 鲤鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 290016 caviar 鱼子酱
2902.2 290132 clams, not live 蛤(非活)
2902.2 coconut shrimp, fried 椰味炸虾 Yes
2902.2 cod (non-live) 鳕鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 conch flakes 海螺片 Yes
2902.2 crab cakes 蟹肉饼 Yes
2902.2 crab meat 蟹肉 Yes
2902.2 crab meat, imitated 仿蟹肉 Yes
2902.2 crab (non-live) 螃蟹(非活) Yes
2902.2 290040 crayfish, not live 小龙虾(非活)
2902.2 crucian carp (non-live) 鲫鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 290037 crustaceans, not live 甲壳动物(非活)
2902.2 cured herring 腌制的鲱鱼 No
2902.2 cured salmon 腌制鲑鱼 No
2902.2 dragon fish (non-live) 龙利鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 C290021 dried clam 蛤蜊干 No
2902.2 C290022 dried clam 蚬子干 No
2902.2 C290013 dried fish 鱼肉干 No
2902.2 C290014 dried fish floss 鱼松 No
2902.2 dried herring roe 干鲱鱼子 Yes
2902.2 dried herring roe (non-live) 干制鲱鱼子(非活) No
2902.2 dried herring roe (non-live) 干制鲱鱼子(非活的) No
2902.2 dried pickled mackerel 腌鲅鱼干 Yes
2902.2 C290024 dried razor clam 蛏干 No
2902.2 dried salmon meat 鲑鱼肉干 No
2902.2 dried sea hare 海兔干 Yes
2902.2 C290020 dried shellfish 干贝 Yes
2902.2 dried shrimp 虾干 Yes
2902.2 C290017 dried shrimp floss 虾松 No
2902.2 C290016 dried shrimps 海米 Yes
2902.2 dried sleeve-fish 鱿鱼干 Yes
2902.2 C290023 dried trumpet shell 海螺干 No
2902.2 dry fish fillet 干鱼片 Yes
2902.2 Edible sea sausage (not live) 食用海肠(非活) Yes
2902.2 eel, not live 鳗鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 fish balls 鱼丸子 Yes
2902.2 fish cake (fish food) 鱼糕(鱼制食品) No
2902.2 290041 fish fillets 鱼片
2902.2 290145 fish meal for human consumption 人食用鱼粉
2902.2 290167 fish mousses 鱼慕斯
2902.2 fish production, preserved 鱼腌制品 Yes
2902.2 290170 fish roe, prepared 加工过的鱼子
2902.2 fish sausage 鱼肉香肠 Yes
2902.2 fish steak 鱼排 Yes
2902.2 fish, cooked and dried 煮制和干制鱼 Yes
2902.2 290047 fish, not live 鱼(非活)
2902.2 290136 fish, preserved 腌制鱼
2902.2 fish, processed 加工过的鱼 Yes
2902.2 290125 fish-based foodstuffs 鱼制食品
2902.2 flounder (not live) 比目鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 Fried Fish Balls 炸鱼肉丸 Yes
2902.2 fried fish cake 炸鱼饼 Yes
2902.2 fried fish slices 炸鱼条 Yes
2902.2 fried fish sticks 炸鱼棒 Yes
2902.2 frozen fish 冷冻鱼 Yes
2902.2 frozen salmon 冻鲑鱼 No
2902.2 frozen shellfish 冷冻贝壳类动物 Yes
2902.2 grilled fish fillet 烤鱼片 Yes
2902.2 herring roe (non-live) 鲱鱼子(非活) No
2902.2 290055 herrings, not live 鲱鱼(非活)
2902.2 290062 isinglass for food 食用鱼胶
2902.2 C290018 jellyfish body 海蜇皮 No
2902.2 jellyfish, preserved 腌制海蜇 Yes
2902.2 290227 klipfish [salted and dried cod] 腌鳕鱼干
2902.2 krill (non-live) 磷虾(非活) Yes
2902.2 290057 lobsters, not live 龙虾(非活)
2902.2 C290012 maw 鱼肚 Yes
2902.2 mullet roe salad 鲻鱼子沙拉 Yes
2902.2 mullet (non-live) 多春鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 290083 mussels, not live 贻贝(非活)
2902.2 non-live herring 非活的鲱鱼 No
2902.2 non-live herring roe 非活的鲱鱼子 No
2902.2 non-live salmon 非活的鲑鱼 No
2902.2 octopus balls 章鱼丸 No
2902.2 octopus (non-live) 章鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 290061 oysters, not live 牡蛎(非活)
2902.2 peeled herring fillet 去皮鲱鱼片 No
2902.2 perch (non-live) 鲈鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 pickled herring 腌制鲱鱼 No
2902.2 plaice (non-live) 鲽鱼(非活) Yes
2902.2 290135 prawns, not live 明虾(非活)
2902.2 Processed mullet roe 加工过的乌鱼子 Yes
2902.2 salmon caviar 鲑鱼子酱 Yes
2902.2 salmon liver paste 鲑鱼肝酱 No
2902.2 salmon pieces 鲑鱼块 No
2902.2 salmon rolls 鲑鱼卷 No
2902.2 salmon skewers 鲑鱼肉串 No
2902.2 290107 salmon, not live 鲑鱼(非活)
2902.2 290149 salted fish 盐腌鱼
2902.2 salted herring 盐渍鲱鱼 No