

Rubber, gutta-percha, gum not included in other classes


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23 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
1701 170010 balata 巴拉塔树胶 No
1701 Electrical ceramic insulator 天然橡胶 Yes
1701 garden hose 生橡胶 Yes
1701 170117 gum, raw or semi-worked 未加工或半加工树胶 No
1701 170050 gutta-percha 古塔胶 Yes
1701 170064 latex [rubber] 乳胶(天然胶) No
1701 170113 liquid rubber 液态橡胶 Yes
1701 Plastic substances, semi-processed 氯化橡胶 Yes
1701 Plastic substances, semi-processed 泡沫橡胶 Yes
1701 C170001 Regenesis rubber 再生橡胶 Yes
1701 Rubber housing 聚硫橡胶 Yes
1701 Rubber liner materials 乙丙橡胶 Yes
1701 170114 rubber solutions 橡胶水 Yes
1701 170017 rubber, raw or semi-worked 生橡胶或半成品橡胶 No
1701 Sealing ring for pressure cooker 硅橡胶 Yes
1701 Sealing ring for pressure cooker 工业用乳胶 Yes
1701 C170002 Sealing ring for pressure cooker 固体古马隆 No
1701 Self-adhesive tapes, other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes 氟橡胶 Yes
1701 Sleeves of rubber for protecting parts of machines 丙烯酸酯橡胶 Yes
1701 Sleeves of rubber for protecting parts of machines 丁基橡胶 Yes
1701 Sleeves of rubber for protecting parts of machines 丁腈橡胶 Yes
1701 Styrene butadiene rubber 丁苯橡胶 Yes
1701 170020 synthetic rubber 合成橡胶 Yes