

Clock, watches, calculagraph and their parts


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81 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
1404 140082 alarm clocks 闹钟 Yes
1404 140106 anchors [clock- and watchmaking] 簧片(钟表制造) No
1404 140042 atomic clocks 原子钟 Yes
1404 Automatic watches 全自动手表 Yes
1404 140014 barrels [clock- and watchmaking] 发条匣(钟表制造) No
1404 Bell jar 钟罩 Yes
1404 Box for watch 手表专用盒 Yes
1404 bracket clock 座钟 Yes
1404 Buckle 表带扣 Yes
1404 Car clock 汽车用钟 Yes
1404 140027 chronographs [watches] 计时器(手表) No
1404 140028 chronometers 精密计时器 Yes
1404 140030 chronometric instruments 计时仪器 Yes
1404 140029 chronoscopes 瞬时计 Yes
1404 clock and watch 钟表 Yes
1404 Clock case 座钟壳 Yes
1404 140044 clock cases 钟外壳 No
1404 Clock dial for clock making 钟表制造用钟表盘 Yes
1404 140002 clock hands 钟针 Yes
1404 Clock hands (clock manufacture) 钟表指针(钟表制造) No
1404 clock with built-in radio 内嵌收音机的时钟 No
1404 Clock with radio 带有收音机的时钟 Yes
1404 140011 clocks Yes
1404 140032 clocks and watches, electric 电子钟表 No
1404 Clockwork 钟表发条 Yes
1404 140023 clockworks 钟表发条装置 No
1404 140043 control clocks [master clocks] / master clocks 主时钟 No
1404 C140011 Cuckoo clock with a human voice 语言报时钟 No
1404 Desk clock 台钟 Yes
1404 Dial 表盘 Yes
1404 140021 dials [clock- and watchmaking] 钟表盘(钟表制造) No
1404 Diving watch 潜水表 Yes
1404 C140012 Electronic perpetual desk calendar 电子万年台历 No
1404 Electronic timing instrument 电子计时仪器 No
1404 Fashion watch 时装表 Yes
1404 Floor clock 落地钟 Yes
1404 grandfather clock 落地摆钟 Yes
1404 Ladies watch 女士手表 Yes
1404 Leather watch belt 皮制手表带 Yes
1404 LED Ring Watch LED指环表 Yes
1404 Metal, leather or plastic watch strap 金属、皮革或塑料制表带 Yes
1404 Movement for watch 手表机芯 Yes
1404 140060 movements for clocks and watches 钟表机芯 No
1404 Outdoor watch 户外用手表 Yes
1404 Pendulum 钟摆 Yes
1404 pendulum clock 摆钟 Yes
1404 Pendulum for watch 钟表的摆 Yes
1404 140013 pendulums [clock- and watchmaking] 摆(钟表制造) No
1404 Pocket watch 怀表 Yes
1404 140145 presentation boxes for watches 表用礼品盒 Yes
1404 Shell for bell (parts of bell) 钟外壳(钟的部件) Yes
1404 Small clock 小型时钟 Yes
1404 sports watch 运动表 No
1404 sports watch 运动用表 No
1404 Sports watch 运动手表 Yes
1404 140164 stopwatches 秒表 Yes
1404 140022 sundials 日晷 Yes
1404 Timer (watch) 记时器(手表) Yes
1404 Timing device and instrument 计时装置和仪器 Yes
1404 Travel clock 旅行钟 Yes
1404 wall clock 挂钟 Yes
1404 Watch 手镯表 Yes
1404 watch automatic winder 手表自动上弦器 Yes
1404 140017 watch bands / straps for wristwatches / watch straps 手表带 Yes
1404 140017 watch bands / straps for wristwatches / watch straps 表带 Yes
1404 140144 watch cases [parts of watches] 表壳 Yes
1404 140025 watch chains 表链 Yes
1404 140059 watch glasses / watch crystals 表蒙 No
1404 140059 watch glasses / watch crystals 表玻璃 Yes
1404 Watch handle 手表表柄 Yes
1404 140174 watch hands 表针 Yes
1404 watch parts 钟表机件 No
1404 C140013 Watch pocket 表袋(套) No
1404 Watch pointer 钟表指针 Yes
1404 140058 watch springs 表发条 Yes
1404 watch-pocket 表袋 Yes
1404 140057 watches Yes
1404 Watches made of or plated with precious metals 贵金属制或镀有贵金属的表 Yes
1404 Watches, mechanical 机械手表 Yes
1404 140016 wristwatches 手表 Yes
1404 表盒(礼品) 表盒(礼品) No