0909 |
angled viewfinder |
弯角取景器 |
Yes |
0909 |
090124 |
apparatus for editing cinematographic film |
电影胶片剪辑设备 |
Yes |
0909 |
automatic focusing projector |
自动调焦投影仪 |
Yes |
0909 |
automatic timer [for camera] |
自动计时器(照相机用) |
Yes |
0909 |
camera |
照相机 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera cable release |
照相机用快门线 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera cover |
照相机套 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera film cassette |
照相机用胶卷暗盒 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera film reel |
照相机用胶卷卷轴 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera flash |
照相机闪光灯 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera hood |
照相机遮光罩 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera lens |
相机镜头 |
0909 |
camera lens adapter |
相机镜头转接器 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera lens adapter ring |
相机镜头转接环 |
Yes |
0909 |
Camera lens cover anti-lost buckle |
相机镜头盖防丢扣 |
0909 |
camera lens mount |
相机镜头卡口 |
Yes |
0909 |
Camera light leak protection cover |
照相机漏光防护罩 |
0909 |
camera projector |
摄影投影机 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera shutter |
照相机用快门 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera shutter |
照相机快门 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera special bag |
照相机专用包 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera strap |
相机带 |
0909 |
camera tripod |
照相机三脚架 |
Yes |
0909 |
camera waterproof case |
相机防水套 |
0909 |
camera with linear image sensor |
带有线性图像传感器的照相机 |
Yes |
0909 |
090184 |
cameras [photography] |
照相机(摄影) |
Yes |
0909 |
090309 |
carriers for dark plates [photography] |
暗板托架(摄影) |
No |
0909 |
090246 |
cases especially made for photographic apparatus and instruments |
特制摄影设备和器具箱 |
No |
0909 |
090183 |
centering apparatus for photographic transparencies |
幻灯片用定中心设备 |
No |
0909 |
090107 |
cinematographic cameras |
电影摄影机 |
Yes |
0909 |
090088 |
close-up lenses |
近摄镜 |
Yes |
0909 |
C090040 |
conforming machine |
套片机 |
No |
0909 |
090318 |
darkroom lamps [photography] |
暗室灯(摄影) |
No |
0909 |
090117 |
darkrooms [photography] |
暗室(摄影) |
No |
0909 |
090562 |
diaphragms [photography] |
光圈(摄影) |
No |
0909 |
digital camera |
数码摄像机 |
0909 |
digital camera |
数码相机 |
Yes |
0909 |
digital projector |
数字投影仪 |
Yes |
0909 |
disposable camera |
一次性照相机 |
Yes |
0909 |
090212 |
drainers for use in photography / photographic racks |
摄影用沥水架 |
No |
0909 |
090212 |
drainers for use in photography / photographic racks |
摄影用滤干器 |
No |
0909 |
090282 |
drying apparatus for photographic prints |
照片晒印用干燥装置 |
Yes |
0909 |
090122 |
drying racks [photography] |
干燥架(摄影) |
Yes |
0909 |
DSLR camera |
数码单反相机 |
Yes |
0909 |
090635 |
electrified rails for mounting spot lights |
安装聚光灯用电轨 |
No |
0909 |
090021 |
enlarging apparatus [photography] |
放大设备(摄影) |
No |
0909 |
090235 |
epidiascopes |
实物幻灯机 |
Yes |
0909 |
equatorial telescope |
赤道式望远镜 |
Yes |
0909 |
exposure meter for photographic equipment |
照相装置用曝光表 |
Yes |
0909 |
exposure meter for photography |
摄影用曝光表 |
Yes |
0909 |
090251 |
exposure meters [light meters] |
曝光表(照度计) |
No |
0909 |
fast imaging camera |
快速成像相机 |
Yes |
0909 |
090262 |
film cutting apparatus |
胶片切割装置 |
No |
0909 |
film developing machine |
电影胶片显影机 |
Yes |
0909 |
film editing machine |
电影编辑机 |
0909 |
film machinery and equipment |
电影机器和设备 |
Yes |
0909 |
filter [for camera] |
滤光镜(相机用) |
Yes |
0909 |
filter [photography] |
滤光镜(摄影) |
Yes |
0909 |
090574 |
filters for ultraviolet rays, for photography |
摄影用紫外线滤光镜 |
Yes |
0909 |
090264 |
filters [photography] |
摄影用滤光镜 |
No |
0909 |
fisheye lens for camera |
照相机用鱼眼镜头 |
Yes |
0909 |
flash for camera |
照相机用闪光灯 |
Yes |
0909 |
flash lamps for smartphones |
智能手机用闪光灯 |
0909 |
flash [for camera] |
闪光灯(照相机用) |
Yes |
0909 |
090206 |
flash-bulbs [photography] |
闪光灯泡(摄影) |
No |
0909 |
090639 |
flashlights [photography] |
闪光灯(摄影) |
No |
0909 |
flat camera |
平板相机 |
Yes |
0909 |
090099 |
frames for photographic transparencies |
幻灯片框 |
Yes |
0909 |
090283 |
glazing apparatus for photographic prints |
照片晒印用上光装置 |
No |
0909 |
090290 |
heliographic apparatus |
照相制版装置 |
Yes |
0909 |
industrial digital camera |
工业用数码相机 |
Yes |
0909 |
infrared camera |
红外照相机 |
Yes |
0909 |
lens cover [for camera] |
透镜罩(相机用) |
Yes |
0909 |
lens for photographic equipment |
照相设备用镜头 |
Yes |
0909 |
090723 |
lens hoods |
镜头遮光罩 |
No |
0909 |
lens shutter |
镜头快门 |
Yes |
0909 |
liquid crystal projector |
液晶投影机 |
Yes |
0909 |
090321 |
magic lanterns |
幻灯 |
Yes |
0909 |
microfilm reader |
微缩胶卷阅读器 |
Yes |
0909 |
mirror for photography |
摄影用反光镜 |
Yes |
0909 |
mirror for shooting |
拍摄用反光镜 |
0909 |
mirrorless camera |
无反相机 |
Yes |
0909 |
motion activated camera |
运动激活照相机 |
0909 |
movie camera for auto-developing film |
自显影胶片用电影摄影机 |
Yes |
0909 |
movie editor |
电影剪辑机 |
Yes |
0909 |
movie projector |
电影放映机 |
Yes |
0909 |
multi-frame large format camera |
多帧大画幅相机 |
Yes |
0909 |
multimedia projector |
多媒体投影仪 |
Yes |
0909 |
optical shutter |
光学快门 |
Yes |
0909 |
photo viewfinder |
照像取景器 |
0909 |
photographic equipment box |
摄影器材用箱 |
Yes |
0909 |
photographic equipment special bag |
照相器材专用包 |
Yes |
0909 |
photographic processing tray |
摄影用冲洗盘 |
Yes |
0909 |
C090042 |
photography appliance bag |
摄影器具包 |
No |
0909 |
photography flash |
摄影用闪光灯 |
Yes |
0909 |
profile projector |
轮廓投影仪 |
Yes |
0909 |
090411 |
projection apparatus |
放映设备 |
No |
0909 |
projection screen for movie film |
电影胶片的投影屏幕 |
Yes |
0909 |
090209 |
projection screens |
投影银幕 |
Yes |
0909 |
projector for movie editing |
电影剪辑用投影机 |
Yes |