

Common metals and their alloys,plates,Various materials of metal,not included in metal materials for welding and materials of metal for railway tracks


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Sub-class 0601 is divided in this parts


149 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
0601 alloy iron 合金铁 Yes
0601 alloy steel 合金钢 Yes
0601 alloy steel sheet 合金钢片 Yes
0601 alloy steel,unwrought or semi-wrought 未锻造或半锻造的钢合金 Yes
0601 060269 alloys of common metal 普通金属合金 Yes
0601 060017 aluminium No
0601 aluminium alloy 铝合金 Yes
0601 aluminium alloy ingot 铝合金锭 Yes
0601 060270 aluminium foil* 铝箔 Yes
0601 C060007 aluminium ingot
铝锭 Yes
0601.0.3 060020 anchor plates 锚定板 No
0601 angle iron 角铁 No
0601.0.3 060345 angle irons of metal 金属角铁 Yes
0601 060027 anti-friction metal 耐磨金属 No
0601.0.3 060047 armour-plating of metal 金属装甲板 Yes
0601 060043 beryllium [glucinium] Yes
0601 060168 blooms [metallurgy] 大钢坯(冶金) Yes
0601 brass alloy 黄铜合金 Yes
0601 060157 brass, unwrought or semi-wrought 未加工或半加工黄铜 Yes
0601.0.3 060460 bright steel bars 磨光钢棒 Yes
0601 060018 bronze 青铜 Yes
0601 060061 cadmium Yes
0601 carbon steel 碳钢 Yes
0601 cast iron 铸铁 Yes
0601 Cast iron, unwrought or semi-wrought 未加工或半加工的铸铁 No
0601 060133 cast iron, unwrought or semi-wrought 未加工或半加工铸铁 Yes
0601 060005 cast steel 铸钢 Yes
0601 060067 celtium [hafnium] Yes
0601.0.3 060401 cermets 金属陶瓷 Yes
0601 060080 chrome iron 铬铁 No
0601 060079 chromium Yes
0601 chromium alloy 铬合金 Yes
0601 060088 cobalt, raw 钴(未加工的) No
0601 cold worked steel bar 冷加工钢条 Yes
0601 060182 common metals, unwrought or semi-wrought 未加工或半加工普通金属 Yes
0601 composite steel plate and sheet 复合钢板和片材 Yes
0601 copper alloy ingot 铜合金锭 Yes
0601 copper ingot 铜锭 Yes
0601 copper strip 铜条 Yes
0601 060109 copper, unwrought or semi-wrought 未加工或半加工铜 Yes
0601.0.3 060462 drawn and polished metal bars 已拉拔抛光的金属棒 No
0601 ductile iron pile 球墨铸铁桩 Yes
0601 C060004 electrolytic copper 电解铜 No
0601 C060005 electrolytic lead 电解铅 No
0601 C060011 electrolytic nickel 电解镍 No
0601 060161 filings of metal 金属锉屑 Yes
0601 foil for packaging 包装用金属箔 Yes
0601 060416 foils of metal for wrapping and packaging 包装和打包用金属箔 Yes
0601 C060003 galvanized iron sheet 白铁皮 No
0601 galvanized steel sheet 镀锌钢板 Yes
0601 060147 germanium Yes
0601 hollow steel 中空钢条 Yes
0601.0.3 060459 hot-rolled steel bars 热轧钢棒 No
0601 060154 indium Yes
0601 060164 ingots of common metal 普通金属锭 Yes
0601 C060002 iron sand 铁砂 No
0601 iron shot 铁丸 Yes
0601.0.3 060052 iron slabs 铁板 No
0601.0.3 060131 iron strip 铁条 Yes
0601 060115 iron, unwrought or semi-wrought 生铁或半锻造铁 Yes
0601.0.3 060160 laths of metal 金属板条 Yes
0601 lead alloy ingot 铅合金锭 Yes
0601 lead for casting statues 浇铸塑像用铅 Yes
0601 lead ingot 铅锭 Yes
0601 060146 lead seals 铅封 No
0601 Lead, unwrought or semi-wrought 未加工或半加工的铅 No
0601 060214 lead, unwrought or semi-wrought 未加工或半加工铅 Yes
0601 low copper carbon steel chips 低铜碳钢屑 Yes
0601 060169 magnesium No
0601 magnesium alloy ingots 镁合金锭 Yes
0601 magnesium ingot 镁锭 Yes
0601 060174 manganese Yes
0601 C060009 manganese powder 锰粉 Yes
0601.0.3 060023 masts of metal 金属桅杆 Yes
0601 metal cantilever support 金属悬臂支架 Yes
0601 metal foil for 3D printers 3D打印机用金属箔 Yes
0601 metal pillar 金属支柱 Yes
0601 metal plates (including steel titanium alloy) 金属板(包括钢钛合金制) Yes
0601 metal powder for 3D printers 3D打印机用金属粉 Yes
0601 060453 metals in foil or powder form for 3D printers 3D打印机用金属箔或金属粉 Yes
0601 060434 metals in powder form* 粉末状金属 No
0601 060189 molybdenum Yes
0601 060136 molybdenum iron 钼铁 No
0601 060193 nickel Yes
0601 nickel alloy 镍合金 Yes
0601 nickel alloy ingot 镍合金锭 Yes
0601 Nickel Brass 镍黄铜 No
0601 nickel ingot 镍锭 Yes
0601 060016 nickel silver 镍银 Yes
0601 060194 niobium Yes
0601.0.3 060461 peeled metal bars 已剥皮的金属棒 No
0601 pig iron 生铁 Yes
0601.0.3 060188 pilings of metal 金属桩 Yes
0601.0.3 060024 poles of metal 金属杆 No
0601.0.3 060205 posts of metal 金属柱 No
0601 precoated steel 预镀钢 Yes
0601.0.3 060372 props of metal 金属支架 No
0601 pure iron ingot 纯铁锭 Yes
0601 060185 pyrophoric metals 可自燃金属 Yes
0601 raw or semi processed common metals for expanded production 扩大生产用未加工或半加工普通金属 Yes