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9 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
0505.0.2 agricultural fungicide 农业用杀真菌剂 Yes
0505.0.2 C050048 agricultural germicide 农业用杀菌剂 No
0505.0.2 agricultural herbicide 农业用除莠剂 Yes
0505.0.2 agricultural insecticide 农业用杀虫剂 Yes
0505.0.2 algaecide (pool maintenance chemicals) 除藻剂(游泳池维护用化学品) Yes
0505.0.2 swimming pool algaecide 游泳池用除藻剂 Yes
0505.0.2 swimming pool with seaweed chemicals 游泳池用除海藻化学品 Yes
0505.0.2 tanning agent (herbicides) 除莠剂(除草剂) Yes
0505.0.2 vine disaster treating chemical 治藤蔓病化学品 Yes