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31 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
0505.0.1 050387 acaricides 杀螨剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050312 algicides 除藻剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050135 anticryptogamic preparations 抗隐花植物制剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050052 biocides 灭微生物剂 Yes
0505.0.1 camphor wood for insect repellent 用于驱虫的樟木条 Yes
0505.0.1 050311 carbolineum [parasiticide] 蒽油(杀寄生虫用) No
0505.0.1 050488 chemical preparations for treating diseases affecting cereal plants 治疗谷类植物病害的化学制剂 No
0505.0.1 050246 chemical preparations for treating phylloxera 治葡蚜用化学制剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050222 chemical preparations to treat wheat blight 治小麦枯萎病的化学制剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050222 chemical preparations to treat wheat smut 治小麦黑穗病的化学制剂 Yes
0505.0.1 cockroach killing agent 杀蟑螂剂 No
0505.0.1 050204 herbicides 除莠剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050386 insect repellent incense 驱虫用香 Yes
0505.0.1 050178 insect repellents 驱昆虫剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050055 insecticides 杀昆虫剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050193 larvae exterminating preparations 灭幼虫剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050238 parasiticides 杀寄生虫剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050439 pesticides 杀虫剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050026 preparations for destroying dry rot fungus 灭干朽真菌制剂 No
0505.0.1 050120 preparations for destroying mice 灭鼠剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050021 preparations for destroying noxious animals 消灭有害动物制剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050204 preparations for destroying noxious plants 消灭有害植物制剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050252 pyrethrum powder 除虫菊粉 No
0505.0.1 050216 rat poison 鼠药 Yes
0505.0.1 050195 slug exterminating preparations 除蛞蝓剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050272 soil-sterilizing preparations 土壤消毒制剂 Yes
0505.0.1 tissue impregnated with insect repellent 浸驱昆虫剂的薄纸 Yes
0505.0.1 050186 tobacco extracts [insecticides] 烟精(杀虫剂) No
0505.0.1 050289 vermin destroying preparations 杀害虫制剂 Yes
0505.0.1 050288 vine disease treating chemicals 治疗藤蔓植物病害的化学制剂 No
0505.0.1 050204 weedkillers 除草剂 Yes