

Medicine, disinfectants, Chinese medicine material, medical wine


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Sub-class 0501 is divided in this parts


823 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
0501.1 Acetaminophen 对乙酰氨基酚 Yes
0501.1 acetaminophen (for pain relief) 醋氨酚(镇痛用) Yes
0501.1 050291 acetates for pharmaceutical purposes 药用醋酸盐 No
0501.1 050292 acids for pharmaceutical purposes 药用酸 No
0501.1 050444 acne treatment preparations 痤疮治疗制剂 Yes
0501.1 050002 aconitine 乌头碱 No
0501.1 activated carbon for poison antidote 用作毒药解毒剂的活性炭 Yes
0501.1 C050014 active pharmaceutical ingredients 原料药 No
0501.1 050396 adjuvants for medical purposes 医用佐药 Yes
0501.1 adrenal hormone preparation 肾上腺激素制剂 Yes
0501.1 050438 alcohol for pharmaceutical purposes 药用酒精 Yes
0501.1 050009 aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes 药用乙醛 No
0501.1 050433 alginates for pharmaceutical purposes 药用藻酸盐 Yes
0501.1 050348 alkaline iodides for pharmaceutical purposes 药用碱性碘化物 No
0501.1 050296 alkaloids for medical purposes 医用生物碱 No
0501.1 Allergy medicine 抗过敏药 Yes
0501.1 allergy-relieving drug 缓解过敏的药物 Yes
0501.1 aloe vera gel for treatment 治疗用芦荟凝胶 Yes
0501.1 aloe vera preparation for treatment 治疗用芦荟制剂 Yes
0501.1 050409 aloe vera preparations for pharmaceutical purposes 药用芦荟制剂 Yes
0501.1 050299 aluminium acetate for pharmaceutical purposes 药用醋酸铝 Yes
0501.1 American Ginseng 西洋参 No
0501.1 050376 amino acids for medical purposes 医用氨基酸 Yes
0501.1 050017 anaesthetics 麻醉剂 Yes
0501.1 analgesic ointment 止痛软膏 Yes
0501.1 analgesic preparation 止痛制剂 Yes
0501.1 050124 analgesics 止痛药 Yes
0501.1 androgen preparation 雄激素制剂 Yes
0501.1 050020 angostura bark for medical purposes 医用安果斯都拉树皮 Yes
0501.1 antacid 抗酸药 Yes
0501.1 antemetic 止吐药 Yes
0501.1 050154 anthelmintics 驱肠虫药 Yes
0501.1 anti carsickness medicine 防晕车药 Yes
0501.1 anti skin infection agents 抗皮肤传染剂 Yes
0501.1 anti-cavity cleaning agent containing drugs 含药物的防蛀牙清洗剂 Yes
0501.1 anti-cavity mouth wash containing drugs 含药物的防蛀牙漱口剂 Yes
0501.1 anti-decubitus preparation 防痔疮制剂 Yes
0501.1 anti-fatty liver factor preparation 抗脂肪肝因子制剂 Yes
0501.1 050510 anti-inflammatories 消炎药 No
0501.1 anti-inflammatory ointment 消炎软膏 Yes
0501.1 anti-inflammatory preparations 消炎制剂 Yes
0501.1 Anti-inflammatory spray 消炎喷雾剂 Yes
0501.1 Anti-itch gel 止痒凝胶 No
0501.1 anti-itch gel 止痒啫喱 No
0501.1 anti-itch oil 止痒油 No
0501.1 anti-leprosy preparation 抗麻风制剂 Yes
0501.1 anti-motion sickness medicine 抗晕动症药 Yes
0501.1 anti-pneumococcal infection vaccine 抗肺炎球菌感染疫苗 Yes
0501.1 anti-sarcoma preparation 抗肉瘤制剂 Yes
0501.1 anti-syphilis agents 抗梅毒药剂 Yes
0501.1 050032 anti-uric preparations 防尿制剂 Yes
0501.1 antiallergic drugs 抗过敏药物 Yes
0501.1 antiarrhythmic preparation 抗心律不齐制剂 Yes
0501.1 antibacterial agent for skin diseases 皮肤病用抗菌剂 Yes
0501.1 Antibacterial cleanser for skin 皮肤用杀菌清洁剂 No
0501.1 Antibacterial hand sanitizer 抑菌洗手液 No
0501.1 Antibacterial hand sanitizer 抑菌洗手剂 No
0501.1 050472 antibacterial handwashes 抗菌洗手液 Yes
0501.1 050471 antibacterial soap 抗菌皂 Yes
0501.1 antibiotic ointment 抗生素药膏 Yes
0501.1 antibiotic preparations 抗生素制剂 Yes
0501.1 050388 antibiotics 抗生素 Yes
0501.1 anticancer agent 抗癌制剂 Yes
0501.1 anticancermycin preparation 抗癌霉素制剂 Yes
0501.1 anticoagulant 抗凝血剂 Yes
0501.1 anticonvulsants 抗痉挛药物 Yes
0501.1 antidepressants 抗抑郁药 Yes
0501.1 antidiabetic drugs 抗糖尿病药物 Yes
0501.1 antidiabetic preparation 抗糖尿病制剂 Yes
0501.1 antidote 解毒剂 Yes
0501.1 antiepileptic drug preparation 抗癫痫药物制剂 Yes
0501.1 antifungal preparation 抗真菌制剂 Yes
0501.1 antihistamine 抗组胺剂 Yes
0501.1 antihypertensive drugs 降压药 Yes
0501.1 050418 antioxidant pills 抗氧化药 No
0501.1 050029 antiparasitic preparations 防寄生虫制剂 Yes
0501.1 antiperspirant 止汗药 Yes
0501.1 antipruritic 止痒药 No
0501.1 antipruritic 止痒剂 No
0501.1 antipruritic 止泻药 Yes
0501.1 antipyretic 退热剂 Yes
0501.1 antipyretic analgesic 退热止痛剂 Yes
0501.1 050030 antiseptics 抗菌剂 Yes
0501.1 antispasmodic 止痉挛药 Yes
0501.1 antitoxin 抗毒素 Yes
0501.1 antitoxin serum 抗毒血清 Yes
0501.1 antituberculosis preparation 抗结核制剂 Yes
0501.1 antitussive 镇咳药 Yes
0501.1 antiviral drugs 抗病毒药 Yes
0501.1 antiviral preparations 抗病毒制剂 Yes
0501.1 050415 appetite suppressant pills 食欲抑制剂 Yes
0501.1 050389 appetite suppressants for medical purposes 医用食欲抑制剂 Yes
0501.1 artificial tears 人工泪液 Yes
0501.1 050022 asthmatic tea 气喘茶 Yes
0501.1 Astringent (drug) 收敛剂(药品) No
0501.1 050465 astringents for medical purposes 医用收敛剂 Yes
0501.1 050038 bacterial poisons 细菌抑制剂 Yes
0501.1 050039 bacterial preparations for medical and veterinary use 医用和兽医用细菌制剂 Yes
0501.8 bacterial preparations for veterinary use 兽医用细菌制剂 Yes
0501.8 050036 bacteriological culture mediums 细菌培养基 Yes