

Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors;
wall hangings, not of textile.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 27


Mats and others movable flooring products



Wallpaper; wall curtains, not of textile and wall hangings, not of textile






Mats and matting



71 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
2703 artificial lawn 人工草坪 Yes
2703 270003 artificial turf 人工草皮 Yes
2703 artificial turf, laid in places of entertainment 铺设在娱乐场所的人工草皮 Yes
2703 270001 bath mats 浴室防滑垫 Yes
2703 bath mats for shower 淋浴用防滑垫 Yes
2703 bath mats of fabric 织物制浴室防滑垫 Yes
2703 bath mats of textile 纺织品制浴室防滑脚垫 Yes
2701 bathroom carpet 浴室地毯 Yes
2703 beach mat 沙滩垫 Yes
2703 carpet tile backing 方块地毯背衬 Yes
2701 carpet tiles 方块地毯 Yes
2701 carpet tiles for flooring 铺地用小方地毯 Yes
2703 270015 carpet underlay 地毯底衬 Yes
2701 270011 carpets 地毯 Yes
2703 270010 carpets for automobiles / automobile carpets 汽车用脚垫 Yes
2703 carpets for delivery vehicles 运载工具用地毯 Yes
2704 cork wallpaper 软木制墙纸 Yes
2703 Coverings to protect floors 保护地板用覆盖物 Yes
2703 Diatomite bathroom mat 硅藻土制浴室地垫 Yes
2703 270008 door mats 门前擦鞋垫 Yes
2703 door mats of textile 纺织品制门前擦鞋垫 Yes
2701 embedded carpet 嵌入式地毯 Yes
2703 270002 floor coverings 地板覆盖物 Yes
2703 floor linoleum 地板用油毡 Yes
2703 C270003 floor mat 地垫 Yes
2703 floor mats for delivery vehicles 运载工具用地垫 Yes
2703 floor mats for vehicles 车辆用地垫 Yes
2703 270019 floor mats, fire-resistant, for fireplaces and barbecues 壁炉或烧烤架用耐火地垫 Yes
2703 fur floor mats 毛皮地垫 Yes
2702 grass mats 草席 Yes
2703 270004 gymnasium mats 健身用垫 No
2703 270004 gymnastic mats 体操垫 Yes
2703 gymnastic training mats 体操训练垫 Yes
2703 Hard surface coverings for floors 地板用硬质表面覆盖物 Yes
2702 Japanese straw mat (tatami mat) 日本稻草席(榻榻米席) No
2703 liner for artificial turf 人工草皮用衬垫 Yes
2703 270014 linoleum 亚麻油地毡 Yes
2702 mat 地席 No
2702 C270001 mats No
2703 270017 mats of woven rope for ski slopes 滑雪斜坡用编织绳垫 Yes
2702 270006 mats* 垫席 No
2703 non-slip floor coverings for stairs 楼梯用地面防滑覆盖物 Yes
2703 270012 non-slip mats 防滑垫 No
2704 paper wall covering material 纸制墙壁覆盖材料 Yes
2702 C270002 pillow mat 枕席 No
2703 plastic bath mats 塑料浴垫 Yes
2704 plastic wallpaper 塑料制墙纸 Yes
2702 270009 reed mats 苇席 Yes
2703 C270004 rubber floor mat 橡胶地垫 Yes
2701 270011 rugs* 小地毯 Yes
2701 small carpet tiles 小方地毯 Yes
2703 splicable floor mats 可拼接地板垫 Yes
2703 stable mats 马厩地垫 Yes
2702 straw mats 草席垫 Yes
2702 straw mats with floral pattern 带花卉图案的草席 Yes
2703 270021 tatami mats 榻榻米垫 No
2701 textile carpet tiles 纺织品小方地毯 Yes
2704 270022 textile wallcoverings 纺织品制墙壁遮盖物 No
2704 270018 textile wallpaper 纺织品制墙纸 Yes
2703 underlay for small carpet 小块地毯用底衬 Yes
2703 270016 vinyl floor coverings 乙烯地板覆盖物 Yes
2704 vinyl wallpaper 乙烯制墙纸 Yes
2704 270013 wall hangings, not of textile 非纺织品制壁挂 Yes
2704 wallpaper 壁纸 Yes
2704 270007 wallpaper 墙纸 Yes
2704 wallpaper with stereoscopic effect 具有立体视觉效果的墙纸 Yes
2704 wallpaper with textile covering 带有纺织品覆盖物的墙纸 Yes
2704 wallpaper, not of textile 非纺织品制墙纸 Yes
2703 wrestling mats 摔跤垫 Yes
2703 270020 yoga mats 瑜伽垫 No
2701 [Muslim] kneeling blankets for prayer (穆斯林)祈祷用跪毯 Yes