

Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 36





Finance management



Precious property appraisal



Real estate business



Real estate business






Charitable fund raising






Lending against security



332 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
3601 accident insurance coverage service 意外伤害保险承保服务 Yes
3601 360001 accident insurance underwriting 事故保险承保 Yes
3604 360045 accommodation bureau services [apartments] 住所代理(公寓) No
3602 accounts payable debit service 应付账款借记服务 Yes
3602 accounts receivable financing 应收账款融资 Yes
3602 acquisition and transfer of monetary rights 货币权利的取得和转让 Yes
3602 acquisition financing 收购融资 Yes
3601 360003 actuarial services 精算服务 Yes
3601 360003 actuarial services 保险精算 No
3601 All Risks Insurance and Reinsurance Brokerage 全险保险和再保险经纪 No
3601 annuity insurance 年金保险 Yes
3603 360051 antique appraisal 古玩估价 Yes
3604 360033 apartment house management 公寓管理 Yes
3602 arrange loans 安排贷款 Yes
3602 360112 arranging finance for construction projects 为建筑项目安排资金 Yes
3603 360052 art appraisal 艺术品估价 Yes
3602 atm banking service 自动柜员机银行服务 Yes
3602 Auto Loan Brokerage Services 汽车贷款经纪服务 Yes
3606 360118 bail-bonding 保释担保 Yes
3602 bank check release 银行支票发行 Yes
3602 bank teller machine services 银行柜员机服务 Yes
3602 360013 banking 银行 Yes
3602 banking service 银行服务 Yes
3602 Bill Payment Service 账单付款服务 No
3602 bill payment service 账单支付服务 Yes
3602 bill payment service by website 通过网站提供账单付款服务 Yes
3602 bond broker 债券经纪 Yes
3602 360104 brokerage of carbon credits 碳信用证经纪 Yes
3602 Brokers or agents for trading securities, securities index futures, securities purchase rights and securities futures in overseas markets 有价证券、有价证劵指数期货、证券购买权和海外市场证劵期货交易的经纪或代理 No
3604 building rental or rental 建筑物租赁或出租 Yes
3602 360073 business liquidation services, financial 贸易清算(金融) No
3602 Business Loan Services 商业贷款服务 Yes
3602 360017 capital investment 资本投资 No
3602 capital investment brokerage service 资本投资经纪服务 Yes
3602 capital investment consulting 资本投资咨询 Yes
3602 capital investment service 资本投资服务 Yes
3602 car finance leases 汽车融资租赁 Yes
3602 car financing 有关汽车的融资 Yes
3602 cash and foreign exchange transactions 现金和外汇交易 Yes
3602 cash machine or atm rental 自动提款机或自动柜员机出租 Yes
3602 cash management 现金管理 Yes
3602 charitable fund investment 慈善基金投资 Yes
3607 360015 charitable fund raising 募集慈善基金 Yes
3607 Charitable fundraising services by organizing and conducting events 通过组织和开展活动进行慈善募捐服务 Yes
3602 check cashing 支票兑现 Yes
3606 check payment guarantee services 支票付款担保服务 Yes
3602 check release 支票发行 Yes
3602 check verification services 支票核查服务 Yes
3602 Checking Account Services 活期存款账户服务 Yes
3602 360053 cheque verification / check verification 支票核查 Yes
3602 360021 clearing, financial / clearing-houses, financial 金融票据交换 No
3602 360021 clearing, financial / clearing-houses, financial 金融票据交换所 No
3603 Coin Valuation 硬币估价 Yes
3602 Collect settlement arrears 收取结算欠款 Yes
3602 commercial banking service 商业银行服务 Yes
3602 commercial credit verification services 商业信贷核查服务 Yes
3602 commodity futures trading agent 商品期货交易代理 Yes
3602 computer stock trading information analysis 计算机股票交易信息分析 Yes
3601 consultation and information about insurance 有关保险的咨询和信息 Yes
3601 Consulting services about insurance 有关保险的咨询服务 Yes
3602 360006 credit bureau services 信用社 Yes
3602 credit card issue 信用卡发行 Yes
3602 credit card transaction processing service 信用卡交易处理服务 Yes
3602 credit card verification 信用卡核查 Yes
3602 credit counseling services 信用咨询服务 Yes
3602 C360004 credit sale of communication equipment (installment) 通信设备赊售(融资租赁) No
3602 C360003 credit sale of land vehicle (installment) 陆地车辆赊售(融资租赁) No
3602 credit services 信贷服务 Yes
3602 360127 crowdfunding 众筹 No
3602 Crowdfunding services that raise money from individuals 向个人筹措资金的众筹服务 Yes
3602 currency exchange bureau 外汇兑换所 Yes
3602 currency exchange business 货币兑换业务 Yes
3602 currency exchange service 货币兑换服务 Yes
3602 currency trading 货币交易 Yes
3602 360111 debt advisory services 债务咨询服务 Yes
3602 debt collection 债务托收 Yes
3602 360009 debt collection agency services 债务托收代理 Yes
3602 debt collection services 债务追收服务 Yes
3602 debt integration services 债务整合服务 Yes
3602 debt management services 债务管理服务 Yes
3602 Debt Recovery Services 债务追偿服务 No
3602 debt settlement negotiation services 债务清偿谈判服务 Yes
3602 debt settlement service 债务清偿服务 Yes
3602 360066 deposits of valuables 贵重物品存放 No
3602 e-banking (internet banking) with the help of a global computer network 借助于全球计算机网络的电子银行(互联网银行) Yes
3602 360128 e-wallet payment services 电子钱包支付服务 No
3602 electricity collection agent 电费收款代理 Yes
3602 electronic check acceptance services 电子支票承兑服务 Yes
3602 Electronic credit card transactions 电子信用卡交易 No
3602 electronic credit card transactions 电子信用卡交易处理 Yes
3602 electronic funds transfer 资金电子转账 Yes
3602 360058 electronic funds transfer 电子转账 Yes
3602 electronic funds transfer by telecommunications 通过电信方式进行电子资金转账 Yes
3602 360130 electronic funds transfer provided via blockchain technology 通过区块链技术提供电子资金转账 No
3602 electronic remittance by prepaid card 通过预付卡进行的电子汇款 Yes
3602 employee pension plan financial management 雇员退休金计划金融管理 Yes
3602 employee stock ownership management services 员工持股计划管理服务 Yes
3602 energy project financing consultation 能源项目融资咨询 Yes
3602 equity capital investment 权益性资本投资 Yes
3602 360019 exchanging money 兑换货币 Yes