

Wallpaper; wall curtains, not of textile and wall hangings, not of textile


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12 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
2704 cork wallpaper 软木制墙纸 Yes
2704 paper wall covering material 纸制墙壁覆盖材料 Yes
2704 plastic wallpaper 塑料制墙纸 Yes
2704 270022 textile wallcoverings 纺织品制墙壁遮盖物 No
2704 270018 textile wallpaper 纺织品制墙纸 Yes
2704 vinyl wallpaper 乙烯制墙纸 Yes
2704 270013 wall hangings, not of textile 非纺织品制壁挂 Yes
2704 270007 wallpaper 墙纸 Yes
2704 wallpaper 壁纸 Yes
2704 wallpaper with stereoscopic effect 具有立体视觉效果的墙纸 Yes
2704 wallpaper with textile covering 带有纺织品覆盖物的墙纸 Yes
2704 wallpaper, not of textile 非纺织品制墙纸 Yes