

Yarns and threads for textile use


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 23


Yarns for textile use









132 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
2302 adding twine and yarn 加捻麻线和纱
2301 adding twine and yarn 加捻麻线和纱 Yes
2301 angora wool yarn 安哥拉羊毛纱 Yes
2302 blended yarn and yarn 混纺线和纱
2301 blended yarn and yarn 混纺线和纱 Yes
2302 blended yarns and yarns based on chemical fibers 以化学纤维为主的混纺线和纱
2301 blended yarns and yarns based on chemical fibers 以化学纤维为主的混纺线和纱 Yes
2302 blended yarns and yarns based on inorganic fibers 以无机纤维为主的混纺线和纱
2301 blended yarns and yarns based on inorganic fibers 以无机纤维为主的混纺线和纱 Yes
2303 C230013 bulk/lofted yarn 膨体线
2301 camel wool yarn 驼绒毛纱 Yes
2303 C230014 cashmere 开司米
2303 cashmere yarn 羊绒线
2303 230031 chenille yarn 绳绒线
2302 230006 coir thread and yarn 椰纤维线和纱 Yes
2301 230006 coir thread and yarn 椰纤维线和纱 No
2301 coir yarn 椰纤维纱 Yes
2302 C230008 cone thread 宝塔线 Yes
2302 cotton thread 棉线
2302 230002 cotton thread and yarn 棉线和棉纱 Yes
2301 230002 cotton thread and yarn 棉线和棉纱 No
2302 cotton yarn 棉纱线
2301 cotton yarn 棉纱 Yes
2302 cotton-based threads and yarns 以棉为主的线和纱
2301 cotton-based threads and yarns 以棉为主的线和纱 Yes
2302 230015 darning thread and yarn 纺织线和纱 Yes
2301 230015 darning thread and yarn 纺织线和纱 Yes
2301 C230001 doffing 落丝 Yes
2301 double palace silk yarn 双宫丝纱 Yes
2301 Down yarn 羽绒纱 Yes
2302 230019 elastic thread and yarn for textile use 纺织用弹性线和纱 Yes
2301 230019 elastic thread and yarn for textile use 纺织用弹性线和纱 Yes
2302 embroidery thread 绣花线
2302 230003 embroidery thread and yarn 绣花用线和纱 Yes
2301 230003 embroidery thread and yarn 绣花用线和纱 No
2302 fiberglass thread and yarn 玻璃纤维线和纱
2301 fiberglass thread and yarn 玻璃纤维线和纱 Yes
2302 230017 fibreglass thread for textile use / fiberglass thread for textile use 纺织用玻璃纤维线 Yes
2301 C230005 filament yarn 长丝 Yes
2301 C230006 filature silk 厂丝 Yes
2301 glass yarn for textile use 纺织用玻璃纱 Yes
2302 gold plated wire for textile 纺织用镀金线 Yes
2301 hand twisted yarn 手工绢丝纱 Yes
2301 hand woven wool 手织羊毛 No
2302 hand woven yarn 手织纱线 No
2301 hand woven yarn 手织纱线 No
2301 hand woven yarn 手织纱 Yes
2302 handmade silk yarn 手工绢丝纱线 No
2301 handmade silk yarn 手工绢丝纱线 No
2302 heat resistant yarn and thread 耐热纱和线
2301 heat resistant yarn and thread 耐热纱和线 Yes
2302 hemp fiber-based blended yarn and yarn 以麻纤维为主的混纺线和纱
2301 hemp fiber-based blended yarn and yarn 以麻纤维为主的混纺线和纱 Yes
2302 230005 hemp thread and yarn 麻线和纱 Yes
2301 230005 hemp thread and yarn 麻线和纱 No
2302 hemp yarn and yarn 真麻线和纱
2301 hemp yarn and yarn 真麻线和纱 Yes
2302 230011 jute thread and yarn 黄麻线和纱 Yes
2301 230011 jute thread and yarn 黄麻线和纱 Yes
2301 knitting yarn 针织用纱 Yes
2302 linen thread 亚麻线
2302 230013 linen thread and yarn 亚麻线和纱 Yes
2301 230013 linen thread and yarn 亚麻线和纱 Yes
2302 C230010 nylon thread 尼龙线 Yes
2301 C230002 palm fiber 棕丝 Yes
2301 C230004 polyethylene filament (textile) 聚乙烯单丝(纺织用) Yes
2302 ramie and yarn 苎麻线和纱
2301 ramie and yarn 苎麻线和纱 Yes
2301 raw silk yarn 生丝纱 Yes
2301 C230007 rayon 人造丝 Yes
2302 230014 rayon thread and yarn 人造线和纱 Yes
2301 230014 rayon thread and yarn 人造线和纱 Yes
2302 230018 rubber thread for textile use 纺织用橡皮线 Yes
2302 semi-synthetic fiber threads and yarns (chemically treated natural fiber yarns) 半合成纤维线和纱(经过化学处理的天然纤维纱)
2301 semi-synthetic fiber threads and yarns (chemically treated natural fiber yarns) 半合成纤维线和纱(经过化学处理的天然纤维纱) Yes
2302 230009 sewing thread and yarn 缝纫线和纱 Yes
2301 230009 sewing thread and yarn 缝纫线和纱 Yes
2302 230007 silk thread and yarn 丝线和纱 Yes
2301 230007 silk thread and yarn 丝线和纱 No
2301 silk yarn 真丝纱 Yes
2302 silk-based blended yarns and yarns 以丝为主的混纺线和纱
2301 silk-based blended yarns and yarns 以丝为主的混纺线和纱 Yes
2302 skim waste wire and yarn 脱脂的废线和纱
2301 skim waste wire and yarn 脱脂的废线和纱 No
2301 230008 spun cotton 精纺棉 Yes
2301 230016 spun silk 绢丝 Yes
2302 230010 spun thread and yarn 细线和细纱 Yes
2301 230010 spun thread and yarn 细线和细纱 Yes
2303 230012 spun wool / worsted 毛线
2301 230012 spun wool / worsted 精纺羊毛 Yes
2301 C230003 stretch yarn (textile) 弹力丝(纺织用) Yes
2302 synthetic fiber thread and yarn 合成纤维线和纱
2301 synthetic fiber thread and yarn 合成纤维线和纱 Yes
2303 C230012 synthetic wool thread 人造毛线
2302 textile elastic thread 纺织用弹性线
2301 textile elastic yarn 纺织用弹性纱 Yes
2302 textile fiber and yarn for textile 纺织用化纤线和纱
2301 textile fiber and yarn for textile 纺织用化纤线和纱 Yes
2302 textile glass line 纺织用玻璃线
2302 textile line 纺织线