

Lace, braid and embroidery, and haberdashery ribbons and bows; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers; hair decorations; false hair.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 26


Decorations and pins, not included in other classes



Products for marking linen



Buttons, hooks and slide fasteners



False hair and false beards



Sewing tool, except thread



Artificial flower



Support busk



Lace, accessories and braids



Heat adhesive patches for repairing textile articles



247 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
2601 260086 frills for clothing 服装褶边 No
2601 260066 frills [lacework] 褶边(花边) No
2601 260060 fringes 流苏花边 Yes
2601 Garment selvedge 服装镶边带 No
2601 260094 gold embroidery 金线制绣品 No
2601 260142 haberdashery bows 缝纫用蝴蝶结 Yes
2601 260076 haberdashery ribbons 缝纫用饰带 Yes
2605 260070 haberdashery [dressmakers' articles]*, except thread 除线以外的缝纫用品 No
2601 260013 hair bands 发带 Yes
2602.0. 260040 hair barrettes / hair slides 发夹 Yes
2602.0. hair buckles 发扣 Yes
2602 hair claw clip 发爪夹 Yes
2602.0. 260115 hair colouring caps / hair coloring caps 染发用帽 Yes
2602.0. hair colouring tin foil / hair coloring tin foil 染发用锡纸 Yes
2602.0. 260127 hair curlers, electric and non-electric, other than hand implements 电和非电的发卷(非手工具) Yes
2602.0. hair curlers, other than hand tools 卷发器(非手工具) Yes
2602.0. 260121 hair curling papers 卷发纸 No
2602.0. 260039 hair curling pins 卷发夹 Yes
2604 260125 hair extensions 接发片 Yes
2602.0.2 260015 hair grips / bobby pins 发卡 Yes
2602.0. 260042 hair nets 发网 Yes
2602.0. 260041 hair pins 发针 Yes
2602.0. hair rings 发圈 Yes
2602.0. hair rings for ponytail 马尾辫用发圈 Yes
2605 hand knitting needles 手工编织针 Yes
2601 C260002 hat brim 帽边 No
2602.0. 260143 hat pins, other than jewellery / hatpins, other than jewelry 帽子用非装饰别针 No
2602.0.1 260016 hat trimmings 帽用饰物 Yes
2601 260139 hatbands / hat bands 帽带 Yes
2608 heat adhesive patches for decoration of jackets 夹克衫装饰用黏合补片 Yes
2608 260111 heat adhesive patches for decoration of textile articles [haberdashery] 纺织品装饰用热黏合补片(缝纫用品) No
2608 260081 heat adhesive patches for repairing textile articles 修补纺织品用热黏合补片 No
2603 260116 hook and pile fastening tapes 搭扣带 Yes
2603 260098 hooks for corsets 紧身胸衣钩 No
2603 260052 hooks [haberdashery] 挂钩(缝纫用品) No
2604 260126 human hair 人类的头发 Yes
2601 jacquard laces 提花花边 Yes
2602.0. kimono obi [belt fixing rope] 和服带留 Yes
2601 C260003 knapsack strap 背包带 No
2605 C260013 knitting needle 针织机针 No
2605 260009 knitting needles 编织针 Yes
2601 Korean headdress ribbons (Tangzhi) 朝鲜发饰用束发丝带(唐只) Yes
2601 260019 lace for edgings 花边 Yes
2601 260068 lace trimmings 花边饰品 No
2601 lace, except embroidery lace 花边(除刺绣花边) Yes
2609 260069 letters for marking linen 亚麻织品标记用字母 No
2603 260145 lingerie tapes 内衣胶带 No
2602.0. marking pins 标记别针 Yes
2604 men's wig 男子假发 No
2603 metal buckles for shoes and boots 鞋和靴用金属扣 Yes
2602 Metal foil (clothing accessories) 金属箔(服装饰品) No
2605 metal needles for fixing insect specimens 固定昆虫标本用金属针 Yes
2602.0. 260071 mica spangles 云母亮片(服饰用) No
2602.0. military brassards 军用臂章 Yes
2609 260032 monogram tabs for marking linen 亚麻织品标记用交织字母饰片 No
2605 260091 needle cases 针盒 No
2605 needle cases of precious metal 贵金属制针盒 Yes
2605 260134 needle-threaders 缝针穿线器 No
2605 needles for tatami weaving 织榻榻米用针 Yes
2605 260005 needles for wool combing machines 梳羊毛机用针 No
2605 260002 needles* Yes
2602.0. non-precious metal shoe trimmings 非贵金属制鞋饰品 Yes
2609 260045 numerals for marking linen 亚麻织品标记用数字 No
2609 260032 numerals or letters for marking linen 亚麻织品标记用数字或字母 No
2603 C260012 nylon separable fastening fabric 尼龙搭扣 No
2602.0. oriental hairpins 东方式发簪 Yes
2602.0. 260113 ornamental novelty badges [buttons] 装饰徽章(扣) No
2602.0.1 260011 ostrich feathers [clothing accessories] 鸵鸟羽毛(服装附属品) No
2606 outdoor artificial leaves 室外人造树叶 Yes
2606 C260022 paper festoon 纸拉花 No
2601 260068 passementerie 衣服的金银饰带 Yes
2601 260080 picot [lace] 饰边小环(花边) No
2605 260055 pin cushions 针插 Yes
2602.0. 260100 pins, other than jewellery / pins, other than jewelry 别针(非首饰) No
2604 260044 plaited hair 发辫 No
2601 ponytail hair bands 马尾辫发带 Yes
2601 C260011 pouch 荷包袋 No
2602.0. 260117 prize ribbons 绶带 Yes
2601 Ribbon (Sewing Supplies) 饰带(缝纫用品) No
2601 260141 ribbons and bows, not of paper, for gift wrapping 礼品包装用非纸制饰带和蝴蝶结 Yes
2602.0. 260140 ribbons for the hair 头发饰带 Yes
2601 ribbons of textile material 纺织材料制饰带 Yes
2602.0. 260085 rosettes [haberdashery] 玫瑰花饰(缝纫用品) No
2601 rubber hair bands 橡胶发带 Yes
2603 260122 rug hooks 地毯钩 Yes
2605 260008 saddlers' needles 马具用针 Yes
2602.0.3 safety pins 安全别针 Yes
2602.0.3 scarf clips, other than for jewellery / scarf clips, other than for jewelry 围巾夹(非首饰) Yes
2605 260049 sewing boxes 针线盒 Yes
2605 260130 sewing kits 针线套装 No
2605 sewing machine needles 缝纫机针 Yes
2605 sewing needle cases of precious metal 贵金属制缝纫针盒 Yes
2605 260004 sewing needles 缝纫针 Yes
2605 sewing needles for canvas 缝帆布针 Yes
2605 sewing needles with oval needle eye 带椭圆形针眼的缝纫针 Yes
2605 260050 sewing thimbles 缝纫用顶针 Yes
2603 shirt buttons 衬衫纽扣 Yes
2603 260088 shoe buckles 鞋扣 Yes
2603 260036 shoe eyelets 鞋眼 Yes
2603 260001 shoe fasteners 鞋扣(鞋链) No