

Decorations and pins, not included in other classes


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Sub-class 2602 is divided in this parts


60 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
2602.0. 260128 appliqués [haberdashery] 补花(缝纫用品) No
2602.0.2 260024 arm bands [clothing accessories] 臂带(服装配件) No
2602.0.3 artificial flowers for clothing 服装用人造花 Yes
2602.0. 260101 badges for wear, not of precious metal 非贵金属制佩戴徽章 No
2602.0. beads [for clothing], other than for making jewellery / beads [for clothing], other than for making jewelry 非用于制造珠宝的珠子(服饰用) Yes
2602.0. 260123 beads, other than for making jewellery / beads, other than for making jewelry 非制首饰用珠子 Yes
2602.0. beard cover nets 胡须罩网 Yes
2602.0. beard covers for food service industry 食品服务行业用胡须罩 Yes
2602.0. 260074 birds' feathers [clothing accessories] 鸟羽毛(服装配件) Yes
2602.0. 260090 bodkins 长别针 Yes
2602.0. 260114 bows for the hair 发用蝴蝶结 Yes
2602.0.2 260024 brassards 臂章 No
2602.0. brooches for clothing 服装用胸针 Yes
2602.0. 260027 brooches [clothing accessories] 胸针(服装配件) No
2602.0. 260133 charms, other than for jewellery, key rings or key chains / charms, other than for jewelry, key rings or key chains 小饰物(非首饰、非钥匙圈、非钥匙链用) No
2602.0. 260037 chenille [passementerie] 绳绒线织物(花边) Yes
2602.0. cloth stickers for clothing 服装布贴 Yes
2602.0. comb-shaped hair accessories 梳子状的发饰品 Yes
2602.0. 260038 decorative articles for the hair 头发装饰品 Yes
2602.0. embroidery patches for clothing 服装用刺绣贴片 Yes
2602.0. 260082 feathers [clothing accessories] 羽毛(服装饰件) No
2602.0. fixed pins 固定别针 Yes
2602.0. 260040 hair barrettes / hair slides 发夹 Yes
2602.0. hair buckles 发扣 Yes
2602 hair claw clip 发爪夹 Yes
2602.0. 260115 hair colouring caps / hair coloring caps 染发用帽 Yes
2602.0. hair colouring tin foil / hair coloring tin foil 染发用锡纸 Yes
2602.0. 260127 hair curlers, electric and non-electric, other than hand implements 电和非电的发卷(非手工具) Yes
2602.0. hair curlers, other than hand tools 卷发器(非手工具) Yes
2602.0. 260121 hair curling papers 卷发纸 No
2602.0. 260039 hair curling pins 卷发夹 Yes
2602.0.2 260015 hair grips / bobby pins 发卡 Yes
2602.0. 260042 hair nets 发网 Yes
2602.0. 260041 hair pins 发针 Yes
2602.0. hair rings 发圈 Yes
2602.0. hair rings for ponytail 马尾辫用发圈 Yes
2602.0. 260143 hat pins, other than jewellery / hatpins, other than jewelry 帽子用非装饰别针 No
2602.0.1 260016 hat trimmings 帽用饰物 Yes
2602.0. kimono obi [belt fixing rope] 和服带留 Yes
2602.0. marking pins 标记别针 Yes
2602 Metal foil (clothing accessories) 金属箔(服装饰品) No
2602.0. 260071 mica spangles 云母亮片(服饰用) No
2602.0. military brassards 军用臂章 Yes
2602.0. non-precious metal shoe trimmings 非贵金属制鞋饰品 Yes
2602.0. oriental hairpins 东方式发簪 Yes
2602.0. 260113 ornamental novelty badges [buttons] 装饰徽章(扣) No
2602.0.1 260011 ostrich feathers [clothing accessories] 鸵鸟羽毛(服装附属品) No
2602.0. 260100 pins, other than jewellery / pins, other than jewelry 别针(非首饰) No
2602.0. 260117 prize ribbons 绶带 Yes
2602.0. 260140 ribbons for the hair 头发饰带 Yes
2602.0. 260085 rosettes [haberdashery] 玫瑰花饰(缝纫用品) No
2602.0.3 safety pins 安全别针 Yes
2602.0.3 scarf clips, other than for jewellery / scarf clips, other than for jewelry 围巾夹(非首饰) Yes
2602.0.1 260035 shoe trimmings 鞋用饰物 No
2602.0. 260077 spangles for clothing 衣服装饰用亮片 No
2602.0. spike trimmings Japanese traditional hairstyle bun 日式传统发型发髻用穗状装饰物 Yes
2602.0. sponge hair curlers 海绵杠发卷 Yes
2602.0. 260083 top-knots [pompoms] 头饰(小绒球) No
2602.0. 260064 trimmings for clothing 衣服装饰品 No
2602.0. wavy hair grips / wavy bobby pins 波浪形发卡 Yes