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67 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
4015 3D printer rental 3D打印机出租 Yes
4015 Art mounting 艺术品装裱 Yes
4015 Blending of Crude Oil and Synthetic Oil 原油和合成油的混合加工 Yes
4015 Car clothing customization service 汽车车衣定做服务 Yes
4015 Chemical processing machinery rental 化学加工机器出租 Yes
4015 C400005 Chemical reagent processing and treatment 化学试剂加工和处理 No
4015 concrete processing 混凝土加工 Yes
4015 Contact lens coloring 隐形眼镜着色 Yes
4015 Cryopreservation service 超低温冷冻服务 Yes
4015 400121 cryopreservation services 超低温冷冻服务(生命科学) Yes
4015 400127 custom 3D printing for others 为他人定制3D打印 No
4015 custom jewelry for others 为他人定制珠宝首饰 No
4015 Custom Manufacturing Human Dietary Supplements 定制生产人用膳食补充剂 Yes
4015 custom urn 骨灰盒定制 Yes
4015 Customization of wigs 假发套的定制 Yes
4015 Customized production of aromatic essential oils for aromatherapy 芳香疗法用混合香精油的定制生产 Yes
4015 Customized Production of Cosmetics 定制生产化妆品 Yes
4015 Denture customization 假牙定制 Yes
4015 Diamond cutting 钻石切割 Yes
4015 Diamond polishing 钻石抛光 Yes
4015 Electric energy production equipment rental 电能生产设备出租 Yes
4015 electricity generation 发电 Yes
4015 Electricity generator rental 电力发电机出租 No
4015 400035 engraving 雕刻 Yes
4015 engraving service 雕刻服务 No
4015 epoxy resin processing 环氧树脂加工 Yes
4015 400084 framing of works of art 艺术品装框 Yes
4015 Fuel handling 燃料处理 Yes
4015 C400004 Fuel processing 燃料加工 Yes
4015 Fuel refining 燃料精炼 Yes
4015 Gas processing services 气体加工服务 Yes
4015 Gas production services 气体生产服务 Yes
4015 gem cutting 宝石切割 Yes
4015 Heating boiler rental 加热用锅炉出租 Yes
4015 Laser engraving 激光雕刻 Yes
4015 Laser engraving machine rental 激光雕刻机出租 Yes
4015 Liquefied petroleum gas 石油气液化 Yes
4015 Marble processing 大理石加工 Yes
4015 C400003 Medicinal materials processing 药材加工 No
4015 Mixing lubricants for third parties 为第三方混合润滑剂 Yes
4015 Mounting service 干式装裱服务 Yes
4015 Natural gas liquefaction services 天然气液化服务 Yes
4015 Nuclear fuel reprocessing 核燃料再处理 Yes
4015 oil refining 炼油 Yes
4015 Paint mixing service 调漆服务 Yes
4015 Paint with custom colors 调配定制颜色的油漆 Yes
4015 Plastic lamination 塑料层压 Yes
4015 Plastic mold 塑料材料铸模 Yes
4015 Plastic processing 塑料加工 Yes
4015 Power transformer rental 电力变压器出租 Yes
4015 Processing of semiconductor wafers 半导体晶片的加工 Yes
4015 400103 production of energy 能源生产 Yes
4015 Provide information on rental of tobacco processing machines 提供与烟草加工机器出租相关的信息 Yes
4015 Refinery Services 炼油厂服务 Yes
4015 400141 rental of batteries 电池出租 No
4015 400123 Rental of boilers 锅炉出租 No
4015 400104 Rental of generators 发电机出租 Yes
4015 Reproduction of Museum Artwork 博物馆艺术品的复制 Yes
4015 Rubber processing 橡胶加工 Yes
4015 Seal carving 封口印章的雕刻 Yes
4015 400102 services of a dental technician 牙科技师服务 Yes
4015 Silicone processing 硅酮加工 Yes
4015 Solar power 太阳能发电 Yes
4015 Tobacco processing machine rental 烟草加工机出租 Yes
4015 Tombstone carving 墓碑雕刻 Yes
4015 Urea synthesis treatment 尿素合成处理 No
4015 Wind power generation 风能发电 Yes