

Marine transport and related service


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Sub-class 3902 is divided in this parts


40 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
3902.2 390103 barge transport 驳船运输 Yes
3902.1 390012 boat rental 船只出租 Yes
3902.1 390071 boat storage 船只存放 Yes
3902.2 390049 boat transport 船只运输 Yes
3902.1 Breaking the ice for shipping 为航运破冰 Yes
3902.1 Canoe hire 独木舟出租 Yes
3902.2 Cargo ship transportation 货船运输 Yes
3902.2 Cargo shipping 货物航运 Yes
3902.2 Cruise passenger transport 游轮客运 Yes
3902.2 cruise service 游轮服务 Yes
3902.2 Ferry operation 渡船运营 Yes
3902.2 390036 ferry-boat transport 渡船运输 Yes
3902.2 390038 freight [shipping of goods] 船运货物 No
3902.1 390014 hauling 拖运 No
3902.1 390013 ice-breaking 破冰 No
3902.1 390016 lighterage services 驳船服务 Yes
3902.2 390061 marine transport 海上运输 Yes
3902.2 Passenger ship transportation 客船运输 Yes
3902.2 390011 pleasure boat transport 游艇运输 No
3902.1 Provision of berthing facilities 提供泊船设施 Yes
3902.1 Provision of berthing facilities 提供船只靠泊设施 Yes
3902.1 390055 refloating of ships 船只打捞 Yes
3902.1 Rescue ship in distress 救援遇险船只 Yes
3902.2 390037 river transport 河运 No
3902.1 390015 salvage of ships 船只营救 Yes
3902.1 390057 salvaging 海上救助 No
3902.1 Ship charter 船舶出租 Yes
3902.1 Ship charter 船舶租赁 Yes
3902.2 Ship pilotage 船舶领航 Yes
3902.1 390023 shipbrokerage 船舶经纪 Yes
3902.2 Shipping 船舶运输 Yes
3902.1 390093 stevedoring 码头装卸 No
3902.2 Tanker transportation 油轮运输 Yes
3902.1 390054 towing 拖曳 No
3902.1 Towing at sea 海上拖曳 Yes
3902.1 390085 underwater salvage 水下营救 Yes
3902.1 390007 Vehicle breakdown assistance [towing] 运载工具故障牵引服务 Yes
3902.2 Vessel Shipping Information 船只运输信息 No
3902.1 Yacht and boat charter services 游艇和船只包租服务 Yes
3902.1 Yacht charter service 游艇包租服务 Yes