

Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh
fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and seeds for planting; live animals; foodstuffs and
beverages for animals; malt.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 31


Raw forestry products



Raw grains and farm produces (not included in vegetable and seeds)



Flower, horticulture products and vert



Live animal



Raw fruits and dry fruits



Fresh vegetable






Animal feeding stuff






Animal inhabit products



583 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
3106 chinese cabbage, fresh 新鲜小白菜 Yes
3106 chinese chive, fresh 新鲜韭菜 Yes
3104 chinese prawn, live 活明虾 Yes
3104 chionoecetes opilio (live) 雪蟹(活的) Yes
3106 chive, fresh 新鲜细香葱 Yes
3110 chopped straw for animal litter 动物栖息用碎草 Yes
3101 christmas trees (live plants when being cut down) 圣诞树(砍下的活植物) Yes
3101 310009 christmas trees* 圣诞树 No
3101 christmas trees, cut down 砍下的圣诞树 Yes
3104 chub(live) 活龙虾 Yes
3105.1 310002 citrus fruit, fresh 新鲜柑橘 Yes
3104 clam, live 活母鸡 Yes
3102 310020 cocoa beans, raw 未加工可可豆 Yes
3105.1 310033 coconut shell 椰子壳 Yes
3105.1 coconut, fresh 新鲜椰子 Yes
3105.1 310034 coconuts 椰子 No
3104 cod(live) 鳕鱼(活的) Yes
3106 common turnip(fresh vegetables) 芫根(新鲜蔬菜) No
3105.1 310040 copra 干椰肉 Yes
3104 coral, live 活珊瑚 Yes
3106 corn shoot, fresh 新鲜玉米笋 Yes
3103 corsage, fresh flowers 新鲜胸花 Yes
3104 cow, live 活牛 No
3104 crab, live 活螃蟹 Yes
3105.1 cranberry, fresh 新鲜蔓越莓 Yes
3104 crayfish (live) 蝲蛄(活的) No
3104 310133 crayfish, live 小龙虾(活的) Yes
3107 crop seeds 农作物种子 Yes
3104 crucian (live) 鲫鱼(活的) Yes
3104 310134 crustaceans, live 甲壳动物(活的) No
3106 310037 cucumbers, fresh 新鲜黄瓜 Yes
3105.1 cumquat, fresh 新鲜金桔 Yes
3108 310097 cuttle bone for birds 鸟用乌贼骨 No
3104 cuttlefish, live 活山羊 Yes
3103 decorative flowers 装饰用保鲜花 Yes
3108 digestible dog chew bones 可消化的狗用咀嚼骨头 Yes
3106 dioscorea oppositifolia, fresh 新鲜薯蓣 Yes
3108 310048 distillery waste for animal consumption 动物食用酿酒废料 Yes
3104 C310023 dog 虾(活的) No
3108 310031 dog biscuits 狗食用饼干 Yes
3108 dog food 狗粮 Yes
3108 dog snacks, edible 可食用的狗零食 Yes
3108 310049 draff 渣滓(饲料) No
3103 dried flowers 干花 No
3103 dry corn husk for decoration 装饰用干玉米壳 Yes
3104 duck, live 繁殖用蚕茧 Yes
3101 durian sapling 榴莲树苗 Yes
3105.1 durian, fresh 新鲜榴莲 Yes
3106 eat fresh chrysanthemum 食用新鲜茼蒿 Yes
3106 edible aloe vera 食用芦荟 No
3108 310141 edible chews for animals 动物可食用咀嚼物 Yes
3108 edible chews for dogs 狗用可消化咀嚼骨头 No
3106 310170 edible flowers, fresh 食用鲜花 Yes
3106 edible fresh lily 食用鲜百合 Yes
3106 C310020 edible fresh mushroom 鲜食用菌 Yes
3106 edible fresh water chestnut 食用鲜黑木耳 Yes
3104 310163 edible insects, live 可食用昆虫(活的) Yes
3102 310160 edible linseed, unprocessed / edible flaxseed, unprocessed 未加工的食用亚麻籽 Yes
3108 edible non-live bait 可食用的非活鱼饵 No
3106 edible opuntia stricta 食用仙人掌 No
3106 edible rhizome, fresh 新鲜的可食用根茎 Yes
3108 edible seeds for animal, processed 动物食用加工过的种子 Yes
3102 310120 edible sesame, unprocessed 未加工的食用芝麻 Yes
3104 eel (live) 产卵用茧 Yes
3106 eggplant, fresh 新鲜茄子 Yes
3104 eggs for hatching 枪乌贼(活的) Yes
3104 310045 eggs for hatching, fertilized / eggs for hatching, fertilised 孵化蛋(已受精) Yes
3104 eggs for hatching, live 孵化用蛋 Yes
3106 eleutherine plicata, fresh 新鲜红葱 No
3106 euryale ferox, fresh 新鲜芡实 No
3105.1 feijoa, fresh 新鲜菲油果 Yes
3104 fertilized eggs for hatching 孵化用受精卵 Yes
3105.1 fig, fresh 新鲜无花果 Yes
3108 fish food 鱼食 Yes
3108 310143 fish meal for animal consumption 动物食用鱼粉 Yes
3108 fish meal(animal fodder) 鱼粉(动物饲料) No
3104 310089 fish spawn 鱼卵 No
3104 310103 fish, live 活鱼 No
3108 fishing bait, live 活鱼饵 Yes
3108 310132 fishing bait, live 鱼饵(活的) No
3104 flatfish (live) 鲽鱼(活的) Yes
3108 310079 flax meal [fodder] 亚麻粉(饲料) No
3104 flounder (live) 比目鱼(活的) Yes
3103 flower arrangement, with fresh flowers 鲜花插花 Yes
3103 310091 flower bulbs / bulbs 球茎 No
3103 310091 flower bulbs / bulbs 花卉球茎 Yes
3107 flower seeds 花的种子 Yes
3103 310056 flowers, dried, for decoration 装饰用干花 Yes
3103 flowers, fresh 鲜花 Yes
3103 310055 flowers, natural 自然花 Yes
3108 310060 fodder / cattle food / forage 牲畜饲料 Yes
3108 310060 fodder / cattle food / forage 饲料 Yes
3108 fodder for livestock 家畜饲料 Yes
3108 fodder for ornamental fish 观赏鱼用饲料 No
3108 foodstuff for animal in farm 农庄动物用食品 Yes
3108 foodstuff for bird 鸟用食品 Yes
3108 foodstuff for calf 小牛用食品 Yes
3108 foodstuff for chicken 小鸡用食品 Yes
3108 foodstuff for dog 狗用食品 Yes
3108 foodstuff for fish 鱼用食品 Yes