

Refractory materials and products, not of metal


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15 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
1907 C190017 aluminum silicate refractory fiber 硅酸铝耐火纤维 No
1907 190005 asbestos mortar 石棉灰泥 No
1907 C190019 ceramic fiber cotton, felt 陶瓷纤维棉、毡 No
1907 190012 Firebricks 耐火砖 No
1907 190048 fireclay 耐火黏土 Yes
1907 190056 fireproof cement coatings 防火水泥涂层 Yes
1907 190048 grog [fired refractory material] 熟耐火黏土 No
1907 C190023 magnesium mud 镁泥 No
1907 190242 refractory construction materials, not of metal 非金属耐火建筑材料 Yes
1907 C190016 refractory fibers 耐火纤维 No
1907 C190024 refractory materials for furnace (porcelain plate for electric furnace) 炉用耐火材料(电炉瓷盘) No
1907 C190015 refractory sand 耐火砂 No
1907 C190018 refractory tile 耐火瓦 No
1907 C190020 silica sand 矽砂 No
1907 C190021 siliconsand fireclay 矽砂火泥 No