

Musical instruments; music stands and stands for musical instruments; conductors’ batons.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 15


Musical instruments



Musical instruments accessories and its parts



210 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
1502 150007 horsehair for bows for musical instruments 弓用马毛(乐器用) No
1501 Hu Gong (Japanese musical instrument) 胡弓(日本乐器) Yes
1501 150081 huqin [Chinese violins] 胡琴 No
1502 Instrument with tuner tuner for musical instruments 乐器用调音器 Yes
1502 150045 intensity regulators for mechanical pianos 机械钢琴用音量调节器 No
1501 Japanese drum 日本鼓 Yes
1501 Japanese flute 日本横笛 Yes
1501 Japanese lute 日本琵琶 Yes
1501 Japanese zither 日本筝 Yes
1501 150038 Jews' harps [musical instruments] 单簧口琴(乐器) No
1501 Jinbei drum 金贝鼓 Yes
1501 Kando drums 康茄舞鼓 Yes
1501 Kazoo 卡祖笛 Yes
1502 150020 kettledrum frames 定音鼓架 Yes
1501 150069 kettledrums 定音鼓 Yes
1501 Keyboard instrument 键盘乐器 Yes
1502 150024 keyboards for musical instruments 乐器键盘 Yes
1502 150077 keys for musical instruments 乐器音键 Yes
1502 lectronic practice mute for musical instruments 乐器用电子练习弱音器 Yes
1501 Lute piano 鲁特琴 Yes
1501 150046 lyres 七弦琴 Yes
1502 150095 Mallets for musical instruments 乐器用木槌 Yes
1501 150049 mandolins 曼陀林 Yes
1501 Marlin Piano 马林巴琴 Yes
1501 150092 melodicas 口风琴 Yes
1502 150034 mouthpieces for musical instruments 吹奏乐器的管口 Yes
1502 Music box (non-toy) 音乐盒(非玩具) No
1502 Music instrument tuning device 乐器用校音装置 Yes
1502 150078 music rolls [piano] 乐谱纸卷(钢琴) No
1502 150080 music stands 乐谱架 Yes
1501 150087 music synthesizers 音乐合成器 Yes
1502 150052 musical boxes 音乐盒 Yes
1502 musical instrument backpack 乐器双肩背带 Yes
1502 musical instrument belt 乐器带 Yes
1501 150025 musical instruments 乐器 Yes
1502 150065 mutes for musical instruments / dampers for musical instruments 乐器用弱音器 Yes
1501 C150011 Muyu (a wooden clapper for Buddhists) 木鱼 No
1501 150043 oboes 双簧管 Yes
1501 150056 ocarinas 奥卡利那笛 Yes
1502 Opening flute into a closed-flute flute plugs that change opening flute into closed flute 将开孔长笛变为闭孔长笛的塞子 Yes
1502 Organ pantograph 风琴音节栓 Yes
1501 150057 organs 风琴 Yes
1502 150060 pedals for musical instruments 乐器用踏板 Yes
1502 150021 pegs for musical instruments 乐器弦轴 Yes
1501 C150003 Percussion instrument 打击乐器 Yes
1502 150079 perforated music rolls 穿孔乐谱纸卷 No
1502 150061 piano keyboards 钢琴键盘 Yes
1502 150063 piano keys 钢琴键 Yes
1502 150062 piano strings 钢琴弦 Yes
1501 150008 pianos 钢琴 Yes
1501 Piccolo 短笛 Yes
1501 150083 pipa [Chinese guitars] 琵琶 No
1502 plectrum for Japanese stringed instrument 日式弦乐器用拨子 Yes
1502 150048 plectrums / picks for stringed instruments 拨弦片 Yes
1501 C150002 Plucked musical instrument 弹拨乐器 No
1502 150003 reeds 乐器用簧片 Yes
1501 150094 robotic drums 机器人鼓 Yes
1502 Rosin for musical instruments 乐器用松香 No
1501 Sand hammer 沙槌 Yes
1501 150089 saxophones 萨克斯管 Yes
1501 Shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute) 尺八(日本竹笛) Yes
1501 150084 sheng [Chinese musical wind instruments] No
1501 Shofar 羊角号 Yes
1501 Short bamboo flute 短竹笛 Yes
1501 Short horn 短号 Yes
1501 150097 singing bowls 颂钵 No
1501 Sitar 西塔琴 Yes
1501 Snare 军鼓 Yes
1502 snare for small snare drums 用于小军鼓的响弦 Yes
1501 Soundtrack Bass Guitar 原声低音吉他 Yes
1501 Spring (tube) musical instrument 簧(管)乐器 No
1502 stand for Chinese zither 古筝架 Yes
1502 150088 stands for musical instruments 乐器架 Yes
1501 Steel drums 钢鼓 Yes
1502 150006 sticks for bows for musical instruments 弦乐器用弓柄 Yes
1502 150096 straps for musical instruments 乐器背带 Yes
1502 String instrument with fingerboard fingerboard for string instrument 弦乐器用指板 Yes
1501 150029 stringed musical instruments 弦乐器 No
1502 Strings for Japanese string instruments 日式弦乐器用弦 Yes
1502 150028 strings for musical instruments 乐器弦 Yes
1501 150085 suona [Chinese trumpets] 唢呐 No
1501 Taiko (Japanese drum) 太鼓(日本大鼓) Yes
1501 150067 tambourines 铃鼓 Yes
1501 Times bass tube 倍低音管 Yes
1501 150068 tom-toms 印度手鼓 Yes
1502 C150012 Tonality rectifying device 校音器(定音器) No
1501 150055 triangles [musical instruments] 三角铁(乐器) Yes
1501 150070 trombones 长号 Yes
1501 150072 trumpets 喇叭 Yes
1501 Tuba 大号 Yes
1501 Tube glockenspiel 管钟琴 Yes
1502 tuning flute 调音笛 Yes
1502 150033 tuning forks 音叉 Yes
1502 150002 tuning hammers 校音扳头 Yes
1502 150053 turning apparatus for sheet music 活页乐谱翻页器 Yes
1502 150073 valves for musical instruments 乐器栓塞 Yes
1501 150074 violas 中提琴 Yes
1501 150075 violins 小提琴 Yes
1502 Western instruments with strings strings for western instruments 西洋乐器用弦 Yes
1501 Western musical instrument 西式乐器 Yes