

Precious metals boxes


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17 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
1402 Bags for jewelry 首饰专用袋 Yes
1402 Box for jewelry storage 首饰收纳盒 Yes
1402 140113 boxes of precious metal 贵金属制盒 Yes
1402 Gift box for precious stones 宝石用礼品盒 Yes
1402 140166 Jewellery boxes / jewelry boxes 首饰盒 Yes
1402 140170 Jewellery rolls / jewelry rolls 首饰包 Yes
1402 Jewelry package, travelling 旅行用首饰收纳卷包 Yes
1402 Music jewelry box 音乐首饰盒 Yes
1402 Non-precious metal jewelry box 非贵金属制首饰盒 Yes
1402 Precious metal decorative box 贵金属制装饰盒 Yes
1402 Precious metal jewelry box 贵金属制首饰盒 Yes
1402 Precious metal trinklet box 贵金属制小首饰盒 Yes
1402 140173 Presentation boxes for jewellery / presentation boxes for jewelry 首饰用礼品盒 Yes
1402 Protect ring rings and gems from collision, wear and damage 保护戒指环和宝石免受碰撞、磨损和损伤的戒指专用罩 Yes
1402 Storage jewelry package 存储用首饰包 Yes
1402 wooden jewelry box 木制珠宝盒 No
1402 Wooden jewelry box 木制首饰盒 Yes