

Steam power equipments


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13 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
0737 070471 boiler tubes [parts of machines] 锅炉管道(机器部件) No
0737 070430 feeding apparatus for engine boilers 引擎锅炉给水装置 No
0737 070101 fittings for engine boilers 引擎锅炉用部件 No
0737 070416 flues for engine boilers 引擎锅炉管道 Yes
0737 marine steam engines [non-land vehicle] 船用蒸汽机(非陆地车辆用) Yes
0737 070110 scale collectors for machines boilers 机器锅炉用水垢收集器 No
0737 070115 steam condensers [parts of machines] 蒸汽冷凝器(机器部件) No
0737 070429 steam engine boilers 蒸汽机锅炉 Yes
0737 steam engine boilers for power generation [non-land vehicle use] 发电用蒸汽机锅炉(非陆地车辆用) Yes
0737 070242 steam engines 蒸汽机 No
0737 steam engines for non-land vehicles 非陆地车辆用蒸汽机 Yes
0737 C070271 steam turbines 汽轮机 No
0737 steam turbines for non-terrestrial vehicles 非陆地车辆用蒸汽涡轮机 Yes