

Chemicals for use in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fire extinguishing and fire prevention compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; substances for tanning animal skins and hides; adhesives for use in industry; putties and other paste fillers; compost, manures, fertilizers; biological preparations for use in industry and science.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 01


Industrial gas, elemental matter



Industrialized chemical raw materials for use in industry, science, agriculture, horticulture and forestry



Radioactive elements and their chemicals



Chemicals and chemical preparations used in industrial sciences and chemicals for products not belonging to other classes



Chemicals and chemical preparations for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry



Chemical reagents



Chemicals and materials for use in photography



Unprocessed artificial synthetic resins, unprocessed plastic substances (excluding raw natural resins)






Compositions for fire extinguishing and fire prevention



Chemicals for quenching



Chemicals for welding



Food and medicine chemicals (not including antiseptic salt for food)



Chemicals for tanning and leather



Industrial adhesives and glues (not including paper adhesives)



Paper pulp



1781 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
0102.4 010063 ammonia alum 铵明矾 Yes
0102.2 010558 ammonia [volatile alkali] for industrial purposes / volatile alkali [ammonia] for industrial purposes 工业用氨水(挥发性碱) Yes
0102.2 010558 ammonia [volatile alkali] for industrial purposes / volatile alkali [ammonia] for industrial purposes 工业用挥发碱(氨水) No
0101.1 010061 ammonia* No
0102.4 010060 ammoniacal salts 氨盐 Yes
0102.13 010062 ammonium aldehyde 氨醛 Yes
0102.4 Ammonium bicarbonate 重碳酸铵 No
0102.4 C010025 ammonium bicarbonate 碳酸氢铵 Yes
0102.4 ammonium bromide 溴化铵 Yes
0102.4 ammonium carbonate 碳酸铵 Yes
0109 ammonium chloride fertilizer 氯化铵肥料 Yes
0102.4 ammonium dichromate 重铬酸铵 Yes
0102.4 ammonium fluoride 氟化铵 Yes
0102.4 ammonium molybdate 钼酸铵 Yes
0102.4 Ammonium Nickel Sulfate 硫酸镍铵 Yes
0102.4 010700 ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵 Yes
0109 ammonium nitrate fertilizer 硝酸铵肥料 Yes
0102.4 ammonium perchlorate 高氯酸铵 Yes
0102.4 ammonium persulfate 过硫酸铵 Yes
0102.4 ammonium phosphate 磷酸铵 Yes
0102.4 010567 ammonium salts 铵盐 Yes
0102.4 ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵 Yes
0109 ammonium sulfate fertilizer 硫酸铵肥料 Yes
0102.4 ammonium sulfide 硫化铵 Yes
0102.4 C010036 ammonium tungstate 钨酸铵 Yes
0102.4 ammonium vanadate 钒酸铵 Yes
0102.14 010064 amyl acetate 乙酸戊酯 Yes
0102.6 C010072 amyl acetate 戊基醋酸盐 No
0102.8 010065 amyl alcohol 戊醇 Yes
0102.5 010067 anhydrides Yes
0101.1 010066 anhydrous ammonia 无水氨 Yes
0102.2 anhydrous caustic soda 无水苛性钠 Yes
0102.11 C010082 aniline 苯胺 Yes
0102.15 010069 animal albumen [raw material] 动物蛋白(原料) No
0104.15 010568 animal carbon 兽炭 No
0104.15 010165 animal carbon preparations 动物炭制剂 No
0104.15 010068 animal charcoal 动物炭 No
0109 C010246 animal fertilizer 动物肥料 No
0109 010710 animal manure 厩肥 Yes
0102.11 anisole 联茴香胺 Yes
0102.9 anisole 茴香醚 Yes
0102.7 Anthracene Yes
0102.5 010070 anthranilic acid 邻氨基苯甲酸 Yes
0104.3 010645 anti-boil preparations for engine coolants 引擎冷却剂用抗沸剂 Yes
0104.5 010006 anti-frothing solutions for batteries / anti-frothing solutions for accumulators 电池用防泡沫溶液 No
0104.5 010006 anti-frothing solutions for batteries / anti-frothing solutions for accumulators 蓄电池用防泡沫溶液 No
0104.9 010073 anti-incrustants 防水垢剂 No
0104.3 010071 anti-knock substances for internal combustion engines 内燃机抗爆剂 Yes
0105 C010217 anti-mildew agent[for tobacco] 烟草用防霉剂 No
0104.9 anti-scaling chemicals 防垢用化学品 Yes
0104.21 anti-shrink agent 防缩剂 Yes
0113 010571 anti-sprouting preparations for vegetables 防止蔬菜发芽剂 Yes
0104.1 C010187 anti-stain salt 防染盐 No
0104.5 anti-sulfurizing agent for battery use 电池用防硫化剂 Yes
0104.9 010523 anti-tarnishing chemicals for windows 窗玻璃防污用化学品 Yes
0104.1 C010192 anti-wrinkle agent 防皱剂 Yes
0104.19 C010205 antifoamer for water-resistant slurry 防水浆消泡剂 No
0104.9 antifouling agent 防污剂 Yes
0104.3 antifreeze 防冻液 Yes
0104.3 010072 antifreeze 防冻剂 Yes
0104.19 antifreeze chemicals 防冻化学品 Yes
0104.3 antifreeze for vehicle cooling system 运载工具冷却系统用防冻剂 Yes
0104.3 Antifreeze for vehicle radiators 运载工具散热器用防冻剂 Yes
0104.3 Antifreeze for windshield washer systems 挡风玻璃清洗系统用防冻剂 Yes
0104.3 antifreeze preparation 防冻制剂 Yes
0104.21 Antifungal chemicals to prevent mold growth 防止霉菌生长的抑霉化学品 Yes
0105.0.2 C010215 antimicrobial agent 防微生物剂 No
0102.4 antimonate 锑酸盐 Yes
0101.2 010074 antimony Yes
0102.3 010075 antimony oxide 氧化锑 Yes
0101.2 antimony powder 锑粉 Yes
0102.4 010076 antimony sulfide 硫化锑 Yes
0104.11 C010206 antioxidant 抗氧剂 No
0113 Antioxidants for Food and Beverages 制食品和饮料用抗氧化剂 Yes
0104.11 010693 antioxidants for use in manufacture 生产用抗氧化剂 Yes
0113 010694 antioxidants for use in the manufacture of cosmetics 制化妆品用抗氧化剂 Yes
0113 010696 antioxidants for use in the manufacture of food supplements 制食品补充剂用抗氧化剂 Yes
0113 010695 antioxidants for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals 制药用抗氧化剂 Yes
0104.11 010260 antistatic preparations, other than for household purposes 非家用抗静电剂 No
0104.8 aquarium chemicals 水族池用化学品 Yes
0102.8 arabitol 阿拉伯糖醇 Yes
0101.1 010082 argon Yes
0101.2 010084 arsenic Yes
0102.1 010085 arsenious acid 亚砷酸 Yes
0109 artificial fertilizer for farmyard 农家院用人造肥料 Yes
0101.2 artificial graphite for battery 蓄电池用人造石墨 Yes
0109 artificial plant cultivation soil 人造植物培养土 Yes
0109 artificial plant cultivation soil made from mineral raw materials 矿物质原料制人造植物培养土 Yes
0109 artificial plant cultivation soil made of plastic raw materials 塑料原料制人造植物培养土 Yes
0108.1 Artificial resins raw material in power, liquid or paste form, unprocessed 粉末、液体或膏状的未加工人造树脂原材料 Yes
0113 artificial sweeteners 人造甜味剂 Yes
0113 010607 artificial sweeteners [chemical preparations] 人造增甜剂(化学制剂) No
0113 aspartame 阿斯巴甜 Yes
0104.1 Asphalt release agent 沥青脱模剂 Yes
0101.2 010086 astatine Yes
0104.3 automatic transmission fluid 自动传动液 Yes
0104.3 Automotive urea (engine fuel chemical additive) 汽车尿素(发动机燃料化学添加剂) No
0104.13 010004 auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives 和研磨剂配用的辅助液 No
0102.7 azobenzene 偶氮苯 Yes
0102.21 azobenzene oxide 氧化偶氮苯 Yes