

Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh
fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and seeds for planting; live animals; foodstuffs and
beverages for animals; malt.


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List of Sub-classes included in Class 31


Raw forestry products



Raw grains and farm produces (not included in vegetable and seeds)



Flower, horticulture products and vert



Live animal



Raw fruits and dry fruits



Fresh vegetable






Animal feeding stuff






Animal inhabit products



583 Items
Sub-class Basic number English name Chinese name Five parties
3104 abalone, live 活鲍鱼 Yes
3103 agricultural bulbs 农业用球茎 Yes
3107 agricultural seeds 农业用种子 Yes
3107 agricultural seeds, unprocessed 农业用未加工种子 Yes
3108 algae animal consumption 动物食用海藻粉 Yes
3106 algae animal consumption 动物食用海藻 Yes
3106 algae (wakame), unprocessed 未加工海藻(裙带菜) Yes
3106 algae, unprocessed, for human or animal consumption 人或动物食用的未加工藻类 No
3106 310003 algae, unprocessed, for human or animal consumption / seaweed, unprocessed, for human or animal consumption 人或动物食用的未加工海藻 No
3108 310124 algarovilla for animal consumption 动物食用豆科类种子和豆荚 Yes
3106 allium cepa(frech vegetables) 洋葱(新鲜蔬菜) No
3105.1 almond, fresh 新鲜杏仁 Yes
3105.1 310125 almonds [fruits] 扁桃(水果) No
3103 310148 aloe vera plants 芦荟(植物) No
3104 310162 anchovy, live 鳀鱼(活的) Yes
3108 310052 animal fattening preparations / livestock fattening preparations 动物催肥剂 No
3108 310052 animal fattening preparations / livestock fattening preparations 家畜催肥剂 No
3108 animal food added with plant extracts 含有植物萃取物的动物食品 Yes
3108 animal food, milk-based 以奶为基础的动物食品 Yes
3108 310007 animal foodstuffs 动物食品 Yes
3108 animals beverage 动物饮料 Yes
3105.1 apple mango, fresh 新鲜苹果芒 Yes
3107 apple seeds 苹果树种子 Yes
3105.1 apple, unprocessed 未加工苹果 Yes
3104 arctic shellfish (live) 北极贝(活的) Yes
3104 arkshell, live 活赤贝 Yes
3110 310147 aromatic sand [litter] for pets 宠物用香砂 Yes
3103 arrangement flowers, dried, for decoration 装饰用干插花 Yes
3105.1 310161 arrangements of fresh fruit 新鲜水果制果篮 Yes
3106 310153 artichokes, fresh 新鲜洋蓟 Yes
3106 asparagus, fresh 新鲜芦笋 Yes
3102 avena chinensis 莜麦 No
3105.1 avocado, fresh 新鲜鳄梨 Yes
3108 310131 bagasses of cane [raw material] 甘蔗渣(原料) No
3108 bagasses of cane, unprocessed 未加工的甘蔗渣 Yes
3108 baits, live 活钓饵 Yes
3108 bait(live) 诱饵(活的) Yes
3106 bamboo fungus, fresh 新鲜竹荪 Yes
3106 bamboo shoots, fresh 新鲜竹笋 Yes
3102 310095 barley* 大麦 No
3102 barley, unprocessed 未加工大麦 Yes
3108 bean powder(fodder) 豆粉(饲料) No
3106 bean sprout, fresh 新鲜豆芽 Yes
3106 310054 beans, fresh 鲜豆(带荚) Yes
3104 bee pupae, live 活蜂蛹 Yes
3106 310015 beet, fresh 新鲜甜菜 Yes
3106 beetroot, unprocessed 未加工的甜菜 Yes
3105.1 310013 berries, fresh 新鲜浆果 Yes
3108 beverages for dog 狗饮料 Yes
3108 310142 beverages for pets 宠物饮料 Yes
3101 310175 birch sauna whisks 桑拿用桦树条 No
3108 bird fodder 鸟饲料 No
3108 310035 bird food 鸟食 Yes
3108 bird grains 喂鸟的谷粒 Yes
3104 bird (live) 鸟(活的) Yes
3110 birdcage with sandpaper 鸟笼用砂纸 Yes
3110 birdcage with sandpaper 鸟笼用沙纸 No
3105.1 black raspberry, fresh 新鲜黑树莓 Yes
3105.1 blackberry, fresh 新鲜黑莓 No
3105.1 blood orange, fresh 新鲜血橙 Yes
3104 blue mussel, live 活蓝贻贝 Yes
3105.1 blueberry, fresh 新鲜蓝莓 Yes
3106 bracken, fresh 新鲜蕨菜 Yes
3108 310016 bran No
3108 310039 bran mash for animal consumption 动物食用糠料 Yes
3106 brassica pekinensis, fresh 新鲜大白菜 No
3106 brassica pekinensis, fresh 新鲜白菜 No
3108 310050 bred stock 饲养备料 No
3106 broad bean, fresh 新鲜蚕豆(带荚) Yes
3106 brown seaweed (algae),unprocessed 未加工褐藻(海藻) Yes
3106 brussels sprouts, fresh 新鲜球芽甘蓝 Yes
3102 310166 buckwheat, unprocessed 未加工荞麦 Yes
3106 burdock, fresh 新鲜牛蒡 Yes
3103 bushes, live 活灌木 Yes
3108 310129 by-products of the processing of cereals, for animal consumption / residual products of cereals for animal consumption 动物食用谷类加工副产品 Yes
3108 310129 by-products of the processing of cereals, for animal consumption / residual products of cereals for animal consumption 动物食用谷类残余产品 No
3106 cabbage, fresh 新鲜卷心菜 Yes
3108 canned food for cat 猫用罐头食品 Yes
3108 canned food for dog 狗用罐头食品 Yes
3105.1 carambola, fresh 新鲜杨桃 Yes
3104 carp, live 活鲤鱼 Yes
3106 carrot, fresh 新鲜胡萝卜 Yes
3105.1 cashew apple, fresh 新鲜腰果梨 Yes
3105.1 cashew nut, fresh 新鲜腰果 Yes
3108 cat food 猫粮 Yes
3103 310179 catnip 猫薄荷 No
3108 Cattle are lick blocks with the mineral salt 家畜用矿物盐舔砖 Yes
3104 cattle, live 活乌鸡 Yes
3110 cellulosic paper for animal litter 动物栖息用纤维素纸 Yes
3107 310023 cereal seeds, unprocessed 未加工谷种 Yes
3105.1 310027 chestnuts, fresh 新鲜栗子 Yes
3108 chews for animal 动物咀嚼用食物 Yes
3108 chews, dog food 狗食用咀嚼物 Yes
3104 chicken (live) 鸡(活的) No
3104 chicken, live 活鸡 No
3106 chickpea, fresh 新鲜的鹰嘴豆(带荚) Yes
3102 chickpea, fresh 新鲜鹰嘴豆 Yes
3106 310029 chicory roots 菊苣根 No
3106 310030 chicory, fresh 新鲜菊苣 Yes
3106 chili, fresh 新鲜辣椒 Yes