
Fabio Giacopello will be a speaker at workshop - IP Management and Patent Litigation Strategies in China

We are glad to announce that Mr. Fabio Giacopello -  Senior Partner at HFG Law & Intellectual Property - has been invited to be a speaker at the online workshop “IP Management and Patent Litigation Strategies in China”, on March 23rd 2022, organized by the Intellectual Property Working Group (IPWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.

The workshop will focus on the protection of new technology, innovation and R&D management strategies, based on an example how Pirelli manages its trademark, patent and know - how portfolio in China. 

Fabio Giacopello will provide practical suggestions on how to prepare for (and what to expect when embarking in) know-how and patent litigations in China.  

The online wokshop will be held on March 23rd , 2022 at 4.30pm - 6pm (Beijing time) via Zoom. Click here for registration.

For all enquiries and registration please contact: 



4:30 – 5:00 Pirelli Group: IP management practices – Sergio Lasca, Head of IP - Patents and Know-How at Pirelli

5:00 – 5:20 Patent litigation strategies, statistics, and trends: managing expectations – Fabio Giacopello, Partner and Foreign Lawyer at HFG Law & Intellectual Co. Ltd 

5:20 – 5:40 Patent litigation: forum shopping and damages compensation - Eric CHEN, Attorney at Law, Patent Attorney and Head of Litigators at SPTL

5:40 – 6:00 Q&A


Event details

Event fee:

CICC Members: free of charge

Non- Members: 150 RMB

Event Language: English